Mar 12, 2007 11:59

I'm posting this in every medium accessible to me and as often as I need to:

I'M COMING HOME FOR A WEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm arriving on Wednesday the 21st and leaving the following Wednesday (the 28th.)
That means I have a nice weekend right in the middle to see anyone who has time. 
If you're working, get out of it.

(This ends the informative portion of the post.)

I wasn't planning on going home at all before the spring semester  was over, but I've had so much time off recently and I've just been sitting around...I've had a lot of time to think and I realized how much I miss home and the people there. 
I'm not coming home for a huge party week, I just want to unwind, enjoy the weather, and hang out. And maybe smoke a little somethin.

Things I'm looking forward to most are (in no particular order):
- seeing my family and friends.
- driving my car.
- cuddling with my cats.
- sleeping in a bed that doesn't give me back pain. 
- the pretty weather.
- eating some awesome things I haven't been able to find here (like taco bell, a decent cheeseburger, and bagels.)
- laughing. a LOT. 
- not having to search for the words to say what I want to say, and having people always understand me.
- did I mention driving my car?

It's going to be a looovely week, and it's going to be exactly what I need.
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