(no subject)

Feb 22, 2007 10:37

Last week from about Thursday to Tuesday, most of Germany celebrated Karnival (like an extended version of Mardi Gras.)

Thursday: Went to Cologne with Izzy and Margaret, put on our pink bunny costumes, went out into the streets and got wasted with everyone else. I've never seen so many people at a street festival before. It was insane.

Friday: Everyone was way too tired to party again, so we had some lunch, visited the Dome, which is huge, and saw Hannibal Rising, which sucked. Also, a bird shit on my head.

Saturday: Nothing.

Sunday: Went to Ellwangen, which is where Izzy and all of his friends live. We had to stay at Izzy's house, which I wouldn't have minded, but when we walked in, his entire family was sitting there. That's Mom, Dad, 2 brothers, a sister, his grandma, and all of his siblings' significant others. It was overwhelming as hell. 
     Then we went to this thing called the "Schwarze Schal" which is basically where everyone waits til dark, gathers in the main part of town, and watches as men dressed in KKK costumes wander through the streets. Ok, so I know this has been a tradition for like 400 years in Germany, and they had the costume first, but considering the fact that Germany's rep with racism is already pretty bad, don't you think they should change it to something else? The only difference between their costumes and the KKK was that the KKK dresses in white, and the people in the Schwarze Schal dress in black. Did I mention they were carrying torches? 
    Anyway, after that, we got over it and got drunk.

Monday: "Kappe Abend" at our friend Johnny's house/mansion/small castle. Everyone had to wear hats. I wore a Viking helmet. And got drunk.

Tuesday: Everyone had to wake up at 10 because the parade in town started at 11. We dragged our asses out of bed, drank some red bull, went into town in our costumes, and got trashed. For 9 hours. Why? Because that's what people do on Karnival.

Today: I think I have strep throat. And I think I gained like 5 pounds last week from drinking and eating crappy food. I don't understand how people can drink that many days in a row. I felt like I was dying on Tuesday. I think everyone else did, too, but somehow they just kept right on going. I'm looking forward to NOT drinking alcohol or smoking another cigarette for a loooong time.

(Although I have to say, despite feeling like I was dying, I had a blast.)
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