Nov 03, 2004 00:01
So I was arguing with Alysha's friend Robert earlier (British) and I was sharing the story with Keith and thought I'd share the convo I had with Keith about it with everyone else now:
gatorgrl585: ohmigod, I was arguing with this guy trying to tell him that the South has been a democratic stronghold up until recently and he was arguing with me. He was trying to tell me I was wrong. I was like, um yeah they were democrats because of all that segregation stuff
gatorgrl585: and he's never even taken American history because he's from England
kbrowning89: youre used to be all blue
kbrowning89: HAHA
gatorgrl585: that's what I told him!!!
kbrowning89: brits...what do they know about american politics?
gatorgrl585: nothing
gatorgrl585: even though he says he was a poli sci major
gatorgrl585: I was like, unless all your classes were american politics and the history of it then you don't know what you're talking about
kbrowning89: haha...that sounds like something you would say
gatorgrl585: haha thanks
gatorgrl585: it was making me angry, because I loved Mr. Boles' class, so I def know my american politics
gatorgrl585: anyone argues with me about voting history I'll run them in the ground
kbrowning89: HAHA