Bad news: My PC crashed it will now only run in safe mode and will not save anything to CD which makes recovery that much more difficult and means that I am confined to working on my laptop which has no connections to a printer.
Good news: I've been saying for 2 years that my site needs to be redone and I have finally started. The layout is complete and all that is left is to add the content and do some advertising. And I am proud to say that all graphics on the new site were made by me and not borrowed from other places. The new site is called
The Last Sanctuary. I hope you will all check it out and tell me what you think in the guestbook. Hopefully I'll be able to add the content soon once I figure out exactly what is going to go there. Also if anyone has pics or fics they want put up I'm happy to host them there as long as I have room and they meet certain criteria.