Hey, it's been awhile, hasn't it? I've been really busy with my job of late. I work all night long, and they recently took the computer away from the kids, and locked it into the Safety Officers office where I have no key to get access to it, so I've been stuck readin' books all night and watching TV.
( I work in a group home for troubled teens, if ya didn't know )
Anyway, so todays my first day off in over a month. My checks have been making me really happy and I've bought a lot of weird junk off EBAY recently, since I have only a few bills and lots of extra cash. It's amazing how much you can find on EBAY that you feel like you MUST HAVE.
Lately, I've been on the robot frenzy, getting a lot of old transformers that I used to have before my mom sold them all at a yard sale back in the day.. arrgh. :)
So, unlike normal, I actually fit the results to this quiz this time!
You are a vampire.
What legend are you?Paradox