it's going down tonight in this town.

Jun 29, 2003 23:03

i'm on a distiller's kick again. i used to have a pink and black distillers shirt but i dont know what happened to it. SUCK.

things are going ok i guess. i've been really motivated to clean and rennovate the house lately. i painted the spare room and shit. it looks pretty hip. well i just did what my mom already wanted but yeah it looks hot. it's like white and lavendar. not my choice of colors but it works. i think im going to redo my room at the end of the summer in hot pink instead of the red i have right now. im too fickle i guess, i keep changing my mind.

so yesterday was kind of strange. i got this email from my old friend mike that lives up north and he basically said he kinda used to have the hots for me. which made me like think and then i realized i was on his jock too at the time. weird shit. i love that boy. he's like my soul mate and shit. i think im going to drive up there and see him when it cools down a bit. cause he's just super.

last night was pretty fun. my friends from redding came down, llauren and dee and we hung out with some of my other friends, joey and joel. so that was fun. we went to sharkeys and played pool and air hockey. i drank a couple of these drinks that celinda told me about. really good. i got pretty shitfaced actually haha. then we went to the park by my house and played on the swings. fun times. denny bought me like 4 beers last night. he's my HERO.

thursday my bestest buddy katee is coming down and we're going to have a blast. on friday i think we're barbequing and drinking with some of my friends. and saturday we're going to go to pt. havok and saturday night we're gonna have a little kick back for chads birthday. sunday my parents are taking us up to the redwoods and then sunday night i think we're going to go to club beat it in hollywood. monday and tuesday we'll probably just chill and she'll either go home tues or or whenever. i dont know. haha. yeah so times will be good.

i guess that's all for now. i've got a lot of work to do. eep! i lovers everyone :D IM me on *melodi* if you want.
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