**~*~**Breaking Dawn**~*~**

Oct 09, 2008 21:10

I finished the Twilight series around 3 am and now that I'm done I have to ramble on and on about how much I love those books, sigh :) ...


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Re: [Part 2 of my very long reply to your post lol] starrshine720 October 15 2008, 02:01:33 UTC
Hi! I've missed you! Don't worry, I didn't think you were avoiding me. I figured you would get around to leaving me more comments once you were feeling better. :)

I'm so glad you like Twilight too!! It's definitely nice to know someone who likes a lot of the same things you do. My cousin who loves Twilight is off at college so I don't get to talk to her that often. And my best friend who loaned me her Twilight books liked them a lot but I think they struck more of a nerve with me than her. So I've been dying to share my love of Twilight with somebody and there was just no one there. At least I had LJ to ramble on. :D I don't even remember when I was first aware of the series but I heard more and more about them over the past couple months and I got more and more interested. I just had no idea how much I'd like them. It is funny that you were a fan before everyone else even knew what they were. At least you can say you're a fan from the early stages. I've missed out on a lot but I'm making up for it with the intensity of my love for the series. :D

It is sad to think that Twilight came to an end so soon after the Harry Potter series, but I am glad that I was able to read them all in a row. I would have been going crazy if I read like 3 of the books and had to wait for the 4th one. I think reading all the books in a row is what helped me like BD. I did hear about a lot of people hating that book and I just don't understand. Maybe I'm more accepting because I didn't have to wait for it so I didn't have time to think about it and form theories for the book. It was definitely hard to read at points but I felt like it just all worked in the end. Renesmee was certainly a twist but I felt like it was perfect for Bella's situation. I was finding it hard to think about how she could become a vampire. I felt like it had to happen but how do you just say, "ok, let's do it." This way, there was a reason and there was no choice. She would have died otherwise. Like you said, it was hard at first cause you had to wonder if it was some sort of monster that was just killing Bella but I was pretty confident that it was going to end up sorta like it did, with a baby that was unusual, yes, but ultimately very loving and a beloved part of their family. So I ended up really happy with it.

I like what Stephenie Meyer said (even if, as you say, that's not exactly what she said lol). My friend thought that the ending was anti-climactic, and yeah it was in the sense that there was no big battle, but I understand what she did. It WAS all head games. Part of me wanted someone to kick the Volturi's butts but I didn't want to lose anyone. I think it's my personality but I've never been one to mind unrealistic happy endings. I much prefer happy endings. It doesn't mean bad things don't happen, it just means everything works out in the end. Horrible things happen in life, and I've had some incredibly horrible things happen in mine, but I still believe in being happy and I long for that. So I feel much better when I read something that ends happily, no matter how unrealistic it might be. Besides, life isn't all bad, there are things that truly do end well. If I wrote a book, I'd never be able to write one without a happy ending so I can't fault SM for going that route, and I'm so so so glad that Edward and Bella were so happy in the end. (...I've said happy way too many times in that paragraph lol.)

...I've wrote too much too so I'm splitting this up into two comments as well :D...


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