i'm raising $$ for the American Cancer Society's
Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk
through my radiation therapy program at BCC
here's the link if you wanna walk near you:
http://makingstrides.acsevents.org/site/PageServer?pagename=MS_findanevent here's the link to donate online:
http://www.cancer.org/docroot/DON/DON_0.asp or if you see me regularly, you can give me a check or cash to turn in for our team to take to the walk.
**IF YOU DONATE ONLINE, PLEASE LET ME KNOW SO I CAN MAKE A NOTE OF IT! please comment yr name and the amount of your contribution!
thanks a lot!
here's some info about yr contributions:
With your help, we're Making Strides
Last year, the $32 million raised across the country through Making Strides Against Breast Cancer helped the American Cancer Society make significant progress in saving lives. With your support, we are fighting breast cancer every day.
As the nation's largest source of private, nonprofit cancer research funds, the American Cancer Society has distributed more than $2 billion to researchers since 1946. Of the researchers chosen for Society funding through the years, 38 have gone on to win the Nobel Prize.
Early Detection
At the American Cancer Society, we know that detecting the disease early, at its most treatable stage, can make the difference between life and death. So we provide guidelines, physician education and awareness efforts to increase screening for cancer. Our nationwide Tell-A-Friend initiative is a great example of how simple and effective these programs can be. As part of the effort to detect breast cancer early, trained volunteers use one-on-one peer counseling to spread the word among friends and family members to get mammograms.
Cancer is not just a health issue-but a political one as well. Advocacy efforts by the American Cancer Society affect many of the laws that govern what options are available to people battling cancer-for example, what treatments Medicare is legally required to cover.
Cancer Survivors Network
Our Cancer Survivors Network is the first of its kind. It was created by and for cancer survivors and families to address their need to connect with others who have been touched by cancer, to share their experiences and support one another. The phone component offers pre-recorded discussions among survivors and family members that users can navigate like a talk-radio show. The web resources provide materials and the ability to create a home page, participate in webcasts and contact other survivors. The Cancer Survivors Network is accessible through 1-877-333-HOPE (4673) and www.cancer.org.
The Public Agenda
Making Strides keeps breast cancer on the public agenda. Walkers and volunteers get the word out about life-saving early detection, which is the best defense against breast cancer. The event helps promote important public policies, including those which provide access to quality health care and screening for all women. Making Strides is also a reminder of the urgency for increased research dollars, so that we may find a cure.