Dec 19, 2005 17:20
uggh..i havent really written in here for a while.....but oh one really reads it....anyway..yeah im cranky....i started out today in an ok mood....aside fomr the fact that i didnt really get to listen to music before i went to school...which is a really big part of my morning was bleh.....but then i got home..chilled for a bit then went to the jv girls game to keep Katie company..but she had Bowman so i didnt end up staying long....and now im home....and bored.....i hate not being able to drive.. and cant wait til a get a new freaking cell my old one met an untimely demise..i starting to get that sort of feeling again when i question why im constantly alone....i mean its not really even that big of a deal...i mean i sure dont have any little crushes....but then again...should i be finding one?...i dunno...its just odd. i would suppose....whatever..i mean its definetaly something i could (and have been)living whatever...but im done..later loves..