Aug 28, 2006 13:07
Friday night started out friggen sweet and just ended in pure chaos. Started things out by chillin over at Mikey's for a while with the crew. Lots of good times and good laughs with some good people. Came home and immediately started getting bitched at by my brother then, lucky me, I started getting panic attacks one after another. Somehow my dad ended up over at my mom's and we got into it pretty badly and eventually my mom came home and things calmed down.
Saturday woke up fairly early and spent a good 7 hours looking for apartments. I have a week, 2 at most to move. It's ridiculously stressful and there's a lot more to the story that I'm just not going to get into right now..but let's just say my dad isn't exactly helping out the whole situation. Anyways. Saturday night Dave threw a party. teryn and I were just going to go for a few and check out early but it ended up being a lot more fun than we thought. Got a chance to sit down and talk to Corey for a while. Had a chance to catch up with him a bit. That was night. Finally sat down and had a heart to heart with Jason and I think we're cool now...but god only knows. I dunno. That night went by really fast. I was up til about 8 sunday morning talking things out with Jason and I got a whole 2 hours of sleep.
Sunday sucked because I was so damn exhausted yet still had to put on a pretty lil' smile for my mom and my brother's company....
but yea.
I dunno, I just really want to move and get things settled because I'm sick of the panic attacks, I'm sick of the anxiety, and I'm sick of all of the tension that waits for me whenever I walk into my own friggen home.