Jun 06, 2005 01:06
We are so wrapped up into physical. It seems to us, not more important, but more real. When in reality its the physical that limits us, weighs us down. Theres a whole other world out there, a world seen through Gods` eyes, a world seen from the view of heaven. Every once in a while, I catch a glimpse of that other world, the world where our spirits yearn to be. Its so much more powerful and real than this world. Why am I still hung up on physical after seeing what could be? Such a curse...
I read in my Bible study today the part in Revelation when God casts Satan into the abyss, bound with chains. I never though about it, but with those chains, God will be avenging us. He will be avenging every deception of Satans` that has put us in bondage. Avenging the very real chains that have probably been on all the martyrs. God will be saying, "You`ll never decieve my precious children again."
You wonder how after all that God has done for me that I still slip back into my chains...that after tasting freedom, I wander back to my land of Egypt. The chains are so very horrible and heavy...why do I give Satan the power to cast them over me again?
Who am I? I am His beloved. No one can take that from me.