(no subject)

Feb 13, 2009 11:00

As I sit here in my Anatomy/Physiology class, lazily refusing to take notes, I find my mind wandering to the bigger and better things in life.  Like, everything else.  There have been so many things going on in my life.  I figure I might as well record it all for my future self to look upon with disgust, as has been the case for years of past entries.

I'm a pre-med student.  Just about everyone knows that by now.  Of course, I never cease to be amazed by the number of people that were not aware of this fact. Either way, pre-med = early death due to stress and insomnia.  I actually had a panic attack in public for the first time yesterday.  I thought I was going to die, not because of the attack, I know that won't kill me, but because of the embarassment I felt.  So what initiated said attack?  Well, I was at a mandatory meeting for all 3rd and 4th year pre-med students.  We were discussing the application process as well as the logic behind a one year sabbatical between undergrad and med school.  Upon entering the meeting, I had no intention upon taking a year off.  I want to be a doctor, and I want to do it now.  However, if I want to be a good anesthesiologist, I'm going to need to get into a good school.  If I want to get into a good school, I need a better GPA, more volunteer hours, more medical related experiences, and more money.  Ergo, I'm taking a year off.

Since I haven't completely updated everyone (and mostly I just care that I have it on record for later on in life) about what I've been doing this semester, here's the quick rundown:
  • Working at Barnes & Noble USP bookstore 25 hours per week.
  • 12 credit hours (Anatomy & Physiology 2, Graduate Statistics and Experimental Design 2, Sensation and Perception, and an independent research study in Psychology.
  • Working at Armani Exchange Sunday Nights.
  • V.P. (President-elect) of Delta Chi
  • 6 hours (6-9pm) of Kaplan Center MCAT prep class.
Needless to say, I'm extremely busy and terribly tired.

Well, back to the finer things in life to which my mind is wandering.  I've been thinking about the things which I would like to do during the next two years.  I'll be taking the MCAT in April, which is exciting and scary.  I've had no motivation to study this semester, and I know that it is strongly correlated with the winter weather. After the MCAT, I'll be taking finals, and the summer will begin.  I've applied for a position as an Orientation Leader, which will take up all of 3 weeks of my time.  I'll still be working two jobs.  But, what about the rest of my free time?  I mean, what the fuck else am I going to do?

Well, I've been thinking about all the things I want to do before I go to Med school.  The list basically consists of all the things that I've been too busy to do while an undergrad.  It's pretty extensive, but for the sake of getting my thoughts down right now, I'm listing them on here.
  • Learn Russian
  • Visit Ukraine
  • Get my body into a shape that I've desired for a long fucking time.
  • Get paid, at least once, to be in a porno (i know, but i just want to).
  • Write a book
  • spend a month working in a health center in another country (i'm moderately interested in an African AIDS clinic).
  • Get a modeling portfolio, because I've always wanted to be a model.  ALWAYS
That's probably about all.  I'm certain I would apply for a Pre-med volunteer program at a local hospital, but that's not something I've always wanted to do.  I'd also be finding time to shadow some physicians.  My senior year is going to be dedicated to making myself a prime candidate for the top Medical Schools.  My second choice is UPENN which isn't entirely out of sight for me.  My first choice, however, is not very likely.  University of California in San Francisco does not accept very many students from the East coast, and it's extremely competitive for anyone.

I'll probably think about a lot of other things I want to do during the year that I have off, but the ones that I've listed are things that I've been saying I would do for years.
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