I finally got down to doing FIX cards :P terribly late, but next up: JPSB'10 notes haha
anyway doing so has finally put me in the mood for this post :)
A lot of people already know that I didn't apply for SPSB! and all their responses are...shock o_o (people on the PSB or PB side at least)
anyway three reasons: 1. because it's not my kinda thing (not being in front line, not interacting directly, mentoring and watching people grow into leaders O_O) 2. because I've never really wanted to be a SPSL, and I have never found my purpose in PSB (all I ever had was passion and a very vague sense of where to go with this) and finally 3. because it will take time off gb. No way. :)
Limin Chuan says
ANYHOOZ you so sure!!!!
but im glad youre really sure :)))))))
Ruth Lee says
Limin Chuan says
bcoz you know exactly where you want to spend your sec4life!!!
Jacqueline Tjen says
its good that you're so clear about what you want (:
anyway mushy things aside, it's been a dang good ride!!! to put it very concisely,
Wanyi: I just know that if I wasn't in PSB, I wouldn't be as...awesome lah. 8D
which is pretty true :) in this board I have thought through things so minor my brain hurts, and organised events so large it's scary 8( but I've been given so many opportunities to find myself and meet new people and make a change etc etc
best memories:
Ruth Dotsy rachelll D:
Rachel Lim Aiya, I keep missing stuff like this. Toilet. :/
the people who made the year awesome. :) rachel, kim, jiamin, priya, zeng, ruth, liyana, liza, limin, thalia, weiying, quek and dania!!!
orientation night surprise, the Amor batch thing, then crying about Ms Low's passing together, followed by open house board, and the bubble tea fiasco, then the actual PSB CIP 2, plus JPSB interviews, crying about results again, FAITH fundraising, and the bunch of you who's doing cmps (:
a lot of things we didn't do well, a lot of mistakes we committed as a batch 8( and already at the start of our ygroup spam there were sorry emails, from night suprise all the way to our FAITH fundraising times, and every. single. time. everyone is absorbed into our happy bubble of acceptance. (: We all had our flaws, we didn't overlook these flaws, but instead the acceptance and working on everyone's unique strengths made us stick better than superglue 8D if I stayed on to PSB for anything, these people would be it. 8)
"we're kind of all pretty different but i'm so so glad we happened to be in this amazing thing together and i just love you guys ALL 12 OF YOU OUT THERE in a very special way :))" - Limin
"jpsb'10 will be all of us and that'll stay as a fact - something that no one can take away from us. we'll still be living on godknows how many years down the road, and it'll still fill us with the warm magical feeling when we hear each others names yknow! thats when we know we're in the right place, right here" - Limin again
(introduction emails!!!)
"OUR PSL BADGE IS NICE AND SHINY :D looking forward to working with you all!" - Kim
"Hello:D I am Liza, don't ever call me Pui Chin."
" i have Love Passion and Care. haha no thats just whats on my shirt right now." - ...Limin HAHA
I LOVE YOU JPSB - count the number of letters 8D
Limin Chuan says
you know how you never had the notion of being an spsl?
i always had the notion of being an spsl. ha ha ha
"i really lubxxxx you guys so much and all you kidz going for cca/etc, ALL THE BEST K. I THINK YALL ARE ALL AZAMING (which is cooler than amazing). :) :)" - Limin
Ruth Lee says
ay but this is proving true
that half of jpsls will make it to spsb
but my reason change alr loh
at first I thought
it was because we would lose passion, lose sight in the board
but then now reading all the emails
I think it's coz we were all super passionate sec 2s to begin with!
and then passion is like, spreads to om, cca
yah (:
Kimberly Chia says
then the passion there is
> than PSB right
so okay la
this is wy
i really really love our batch (:
like we don't lose sight of being PSLs, once a PSL, always a PSL (:
Ruth Lee says
yah no matter what we do
I know everyone's doing what they really want to
Kimberly Chia says
regardless whether you stay on or not!
Ruth Lee says
and everywhere they go, woahhh TRAILBLAZERS
Kimberly Chia says
mm (:
eh actually YES LEH!
weiying is awesome at OM and drama
thalia is national fencer
rachel national sailor
jiamin a wonderful richard vcapt
limin also very very good in house and all
dania also very outstanding in her CCA
quek also for her CCA (:
you and me hopefully okay in GB hahaha
Ruth Lee says
not forgetting
that liza is gonna be track chair
Kimberly Chia says
Ruth Lee says
and zeng, gym chair
priya is super active in indian dance
Kimberly Chia says
liyana is class chair
omgee actually I was gonna write more memories like ICYL and 106 classixs and 103 but...too long! too long! 8D another day~