okay posting three times in one day is totally uncalled for
Ruth Lee says
obv today was horrible as usual
plus homework (which I have barely started on btw)
plus sli etc etc
also with very recently self-esteem
you know how gb is the thing that makes me very very happy
but recently I have become very sillyz
started comparing myself subconsciously to you guys (batchmates)
and the more I think
the more unhappy lah
june says
omg sick 2 me 2
we are losers who have achieved nothing
Ruth Lee says
very minor thing
but kept thinking about it and it grew loh
june says
isn't everyone liddat
Ruth Lee says
so even though gb was the thing that made me happy
eventually kept thinking about it and avoiding gb people
which is dumb
also very very tired of people asking me all the time if I was okay or not
cos by that point didn't want to talk to anyone
june says
ruth r u ok tho
Ruth Lee says
appeared offline everywhere the whole day
june says
Ruth Lee says
june says
no wonder people ask it so often
bet they are trying to make a pun
Ruth Lee says
lol go away joon
so today becoz isolated myself = obv mood even worse
june says
but you deednt
Ruth Lee says
then cried over the past week today over Unashamed
love that song srsly
june says
it is the new perfect love to me / unashamed to you
Ruth Lee says
then yah lah went onto lj typed everything out
still appearing offline
still upset
then one of my pb seniors Evan just smsed me
she and I quite close and we always talk about God etc
hur it was just asking me what's my fave colour
then I told her she cheered me up
then she replied
"heheh must be God's way of cheering you up :D"
so really thought hard and long about it, reread my posts like 345678 timez
june says
ok sounds slightly strange but i will take it
Ruth Lee says
then the vid Unashamed started to lag
v irritating
june says
Ruth Lee says
so I randomly chose another link on the side
Everything Is Beautiful
chorus goes
everything is beautiful
even when the tears are falling
I don't need a miracle to believe
goodness was super touched by God after that then came online talking to everybuddy + you right nowz
Click to view
so everything is beautiful
even when the tears are falling
I don't need a miracle to believe