friendzz and lovely things
1. in the morning street dance was dancing to Gentleman for their friend's birthday in the canteen then I spotted Wesson and laughed so hard because he was the most shameless and good at it --> when his batchmates were all dying from laughter he was still making sexy faces CRY
2. Derick saying something intelligent in class and the teacher goes 'nawbad' and class is like 'deriiiiiiiiiiiick' and Derick gives the victory fist gesture and says 'JOCK.'
3. sometimes it's really hard to remember that the boys are 17
(Huan eating during physics)
Ms Koh: orh eat chocolate in front of me...never ask if I want...
Wesson: free drink from stall aunty, she say Terence too handsome already
Terence: oh boy!
and them making structures with the wooden blocks during spa, Terence warmin' up before playing the plate game, Colin winning for one of the first few times in his life
courtesy of Derick
4. wanted to support Bev Yi Xuan Yu Quan Teng Si and Mandy at their finals today but couldn't, but Ms Wong the loveliest of all lovelies told us she'll give us live commentary through whatsapp...look what she named the group! HAHA
^ Andrew shy to use his own phone
anyway the girls were tied every point until the last set omgsh I think it was Mandy's set! and they won!!! :D :D
5. Kwang dancing randomly and making me smile and giving me amazing Udders ice cream gurl I love your incompetent stomach thanks
6. my fab new whatsapp dp
7. discussing 45th plans with the two of them
June: More like ask if we can have the things we want like self determination
Then r they willing to give concessions???
Ruth: Later we dododo then ms wong veto
Kwang: dododo
June: Bap
Ruth: Bap?
Kwang: dododoBAP
8. I was really ._. after school and then June came over and told me about some physics assignment then I requested to look at it so she brought it over but the moment I saw her mark I laughed so much than I did the whole day
I love you June
9. Evan is such a blessinggg thank you for even noticing
^ so cute haha
10. missed class on Mon so Michael and Wan Yii sent me notes :) and
Huan: Mike forgot to bring this card today
So he can't go to the lib
But then he borrowed Joseph's card and went in first
Joseph didn't have the card
When Toan used his card to go in
Joseph tried to quickly get through lol
Meaning 1 card for 2
The librarian caught him and scolded him like mad
11. studying today with Joseph and laughing a lot at his handwriting (he can't even read his own srsly) and his random thoughts, then Huan woke up and we both kinda stopped work to talk then somehow somewhere
Huan: Doraemon eats macaroons
and arguing and laughing so hard and while looking at pictures of dorayaki Joseph accidentally pressed something so now my phone is like
also Joseph told me about France's national sport! it's SUPER cool gosh it's called French Throw, where three people are thrown off a hill and there's water at the bottom so it's kinda like synchronised diving, how they enter the water etc
:)) wanna see it in action
12. then dinner at S11 with Wan Yii Joseph and Huan and all was lovely
Leon: wow you're actually studying!
Michael: you think what, I come here to read art books?
physics lecture
physics tutorial
(can't open his door)
Joseph: I kicked the door till a baby started crying oh no oh no oh no and it still refuses to open
Joseph: UMM okay this is very embarassing
Joseph: Mm my previous two kids were really naughty and like one tried to trick me that he was p7 on his first lesson and I BELIEVED HIM