Feb 04, 2006 00:39
okay, so i know i've been a total lj slacker, but here's my deal: what the FUCK is up with boys? i understand to a certain extent why a lot of them are all buddy-buddy with me - i know that i can do anything they can do (ie, lift heavy stuff and actually competently get work done) and i say it rather frequently. in fact, i generally like the buddy-buddy. i don't mind being treated like one of the guys. however, there are certain times when i don't like it. case in point, when its a guy i like. but what i like even less is getting totally mixed signals. for example, lets just say that the guy you like has recently started dating someone. you work with this guy at a job and in a club, so he is someone you see fairly frequently. he makes a point to invite you to things, and see if you'll actually be there. he is rather insistent about wanting to work at the same time you do. when you do work together, he makes a point to come and talk to you for long periods of time even though you're in a totally different part of the office and he should be doing other things. what am i supposed to make of this? how do i procede? personally, i go with not-actually-proceding-at-all road, because who am i to break up a relationship, even if it is a new one that isn't based on much? here's another hypothetical: what if the guy doesn't have a girlfriend, but he still gives you mixed signals? again, he makes a point to ask you to come to things repeatedly. often when he sees you he gets really excited and starts conversations. but then other times, he completely ignores the fact that you're there. whenever you do talk, you could talk for hours. you have a lot in common, but you just can't seem to get anything started. sometimes he seems interested, sometimes he seems totally apathetic. what do you do about that? why am i always stuck in this ambiguous grey area? this fuckin' sucks. damnit.
in other news, i'm in love with bands, boys in bands, and boys who love bands. all of them, generally. but specifically the m's, the like young, the infinity room (and adam), and jiggsaw (and mark). these boys (and girls, on occasion) are all superb. i'm going to say it here and now, so there can be no mistaking my prediction, but jiggsaw is going to be big. they have good music, they put on a rockin' good show, and they're all hot. so mark my words, someday soon, you'll all be hearing their name everywhere. it will be amazing, and i will be able to say i knew them when.
i'm going to bed now since i have to be up in 4 1/2 hours to be on the radio and then go to work. that sucks. a lot.