brigits_flame mini contest entry - Prompt: ember
How much of my writing
Comes from the shows I watched as a child?
With their bright colors
And the way the animated faces
Smiled until you couldn’t see their eyes.
Their voices were the same in every show
I watched. Girls with their lilting laughs
And boys with their stubborn drawls.
Do the voices in my head sound the same?
The characters I write tilt their head in inquiry
Like the characters I watched as a child.
They fling their arms out violently
The way only animated arms can do.
They shout and cry
Tears welling up on a screen
The way no real tears do.
How much of my writing
Has evolved from the shows I watched as a child?
I want to know. Which show was it
That I blew across
To fan the embers of my art?