
Jun 19, 2010 23:01

22:08 RT @SCREAMmydarling: Photo: Care bears…prepare to stare!!! CARE BEARS COUNTDOWN! I grew up watching care (cont) tl.gd/1vjmr8 #

22:46 j - playing uncharted 2 "look at this guy effing dumbass" about chole not telling him where to go lol #

22:56 thats what i call my superman jump - j #

22:59 p - they fall out all wiley niley that's what you gotta get support for them j (lol) #

23:01 me: why have you not seen any treasure lately? p - j get the microwave that's madd treasure that's $50 right there #

23:08 doesn't think that jan can rocket jump drake using a propane tank and gun fire in uncharted #

00:00 j: i think i went the wrong way p: good thing youre faster than bullets lol #

12:00 Hoping my work schedule will allow me to do Ashley & Amanda's graduation make up.... #

12:33 probably should eat something for lunch... #

13:10 tried to get my mom to sign dad's card while he was outside sisters were like he's coming!! i stick the card in my dress lol #

16:27 at a bday party twitpic.com/1y8gvp #
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