Dec 02, 2004 02:11
I love conversations that really get you thinking.
I was having a conversation with someone about Christianity and hypocracy.
And let me just say this--
I hate that something that I am so passionate about and love so much is filled with something so terrible. Hypocracy is the one thing that we all deny and run from. Nobody wants to be accused or be filled with it. It's like a disease or something. I hate that people say, "oh, they're a Christian, they must be a hypocrite."
The reason why?
People who talk it and don't walk it.
The people who go to church on Sundays, and the rest of the time they're like, "God who?"
The people who "shelf" God.
This is something that every Christian has probably been guilty of before, but not habitually.
I'm talking about the people who say, "I go to church. I must be saved." But they don't do anything else.
Being a Christian is SOOOOO much more than that.
Being a Christian is about living a life that GLORIFIES GOD IN EVERY WAY.
By that, I mean that every action should not be looked down upon.
While it is impossible for every action/thought to glorify HIM, it is supposed to be our constant goal.
It pains me to see people who do that. It makes me sick.
Because that's why the Christian faith is so....tainted.
Jesus was perfect, and nothing afflitated with HIM should be tainted.
I hate the sins that I deal with. I really do.
I wish that I could stop them all, and never deal with them again.
Because in the back of my mind, I really do think about what is it doing to my witness.
Going to church is SO unbelievably amazing.
So, while I sit here and think about all this, I only have one thing to say to my friends--
Christianity is more than a belief---
It's a lifestyle.
than everything