Your Lucky Underwear is Purple
Dreamy and idealistic, you envision great things for your life. Your lucky purple underwear can make those dreams come true!
You're a busy little butterfly. You have the most projects, interests, and friends of anyone you know.
You also have a flair for the dramatic. Sometimes too much drama comes in to your life and brings things to a stop.
If you want to focus more, and flutter less, put on your purple underpants. They'll help you get the important things done.
What Color Is Your Lucky Underwear? I have a pair of undies that kinda look like that. But anyway, I feel totally overworked. I work work and work, and then after that I have school school and more school - And then I go home to crash. This is all I do. And then on weekends, I am usually bored out of my mind because my boyfriend isn't around and even my roomie's gone. Bah. Yes, I am currently bored.