How to kick an annoying client to the curb

May 15, 2008 17:58

It takes a LOT to get my doctor to the point where he tells a client to go somewhere else. In fact, in the 2 1/2 years I've worked with him there have been now two that has had that happen to. The first one was a guy who purchased a puppy from Poland that was sick (Poland is numero uno in dirty puppy mills) I think I've mentioned before, a puppy from Poland usually has coccidia, mange, parvo or worse (yes, worse!) In this instance this puppy was gasping to breathe from the first day they got it. The owner, not even taking to heart all the effort we made trying to do all we could for his little dog instead claimed we wanted it to die because his dog was a pitbull, and then later on said it was because HE was black. My doctor told him to go to a vet on the economy since he was obviously not happy with his medicine. No idea if the pup pulled through, but it is clients like that which you can NEVER satisfy. They practically break their hands pointing the finger, if you know what I mean.

So, this lady comes in with her cat this afternoon. From the second she walked in the door you could cut the tension with a knife. She walked out of the waiting room and into the hallway leading back to the kennels and knelt down with her cat still in its carrier. She claimed very loudly that she was NOT moving until those barky dogs got out of the waiting room.



We usher her into a room of her very own so she could be away from the 'barky dogs' (which there was only one dog up front at the time and he was sitting very quietly with his owner) Her reason for her appointment was "Japan bloodwork". We get a lot of people going to Japan, Hawaii, etc etc and in order to take your pets a rabies "FAVN" test needs to be done. Blood is drawn at our clinic, spun down, packaged and the owner takes it to the post office to either be mailed to one of the TWO recognized labs in the US or the ONE lab in Geissen, Germany to run a rabies titer test. The owner is responsible for all paperwork, which many times we provide anyway since people tend to be clueless when it comes to this sort of thing (hello, internet?!) and responsible for paying the lab directly for the test. We usually go over the same schpiel with everyone that comes in for bloodwork. Generally an appointment for this takes up to 30-45 minutes since our doctor has to fill out paperwork, talk to the owner, spin, package, blah blah.

Well, Mrs old cat owner seemed to pull more questions out of her ass than the usual client. Mostly she wanted to know "Why" "Why are these the only labs the blood can go to?" (because they are) "Why does she have to have the blood drawn HERE?!" (you don't.. you can get it drawn anywhere), "Why do I have to mail it myself?" (because that's how it's done) "Why.. why... why?"

Then came the golden question that really sent my vet over the edge..



Larry came out and got me to help draw blood from the cat. (actually, his exact words were "Stacey, come help draw blood from this annoying woman's cat")

I followed him in the room and she's standing there with her cat still in its carrier. Larry says "Ok.. Stacey is going to help me get blood from your kitty"

Cat owner: I held last time..

Larry: .... ok..

Cat owner: Do you want me to take her out of the carrier?

Larry: .... ...... that's usually how it's done

Cat owner: Oh.. well I held her when you gave her a shot. Where are you taking the blood from?

Larry: We will be taking it from the neck. See, the jugular vein is the larg...

Cat owner (interrupting with a shriek that could wake the dead) OOOOHHHH NOOOOOOOO

That was it, Dr Evans calmly picked up the woman's chart, and exclaimed "We're done.. you need to go somewhere else. Have a nice day"

The woman proceeded to go up front and rant and rave about how it was a travesty that she was treated this way. She shouted into the back at Larry "YOU NEED TO TAKE YOUR ATTITUDE SOMEWHERE ELSE!" She figured he had left the room but she was startled when Larry pops his head around the corner and looks her square in the eye

"Same to you, lady!"

As tense and hilarious as that was, it is always a wake up call as to how absolutely batshit crazy some people can be.

So now she's going to go to a German vet and be charged an assload of euro.. something that could have been done easily with us if she had just kept her mouth shut.

kthxbye plz drive through..
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