New [Academic] Year's Resolutions

Sep 09, 2006 11:31

I don't make these every year, and I certainly tend not to publicize them. However, there is a value in making goals public, and a very real reminder of all the potential that can be achieved with dedication and passion.

1) Wake up at 7:30 AM, Monday through Friday.
Easier said than done, but truly, it's time to start living like an adult. Which means that the semblance of having a productive morning. I now live about a block away from a Tim Horton's. Due to a renewed caffeine addiction through the influence of one AP, imbiber of coffee extraordinaire, I can now be found at the Tim Hortons on Oxford near Talbot on any given morning enjoying a large double-double, reading and preparing blog entries about... interesting stuff.

2) On the note of blogs: I will update regularly.
I won't hold myself to a scheduled update like Adam but I think it would be useful to have a list of topics drawn up that I may discuss over the year. It's time that I start writing more. One would hope that I would also write more of substance. [Note: I have been posting other writing too.]

3) Hamilton? Yes. But not too often.
"My bonnie lies over the ocean..." Well... more like an hour's drive down the 403. I am tempted, because I have the car, to drive down often. However, I think a limit of once a month is a good limit to keep. This will, undoubtedly, be the most difficult resolution to keep. YES EVEN HARDER THAN WAKING UP EARLY EVERY DAY.

4) Correspond.
I have lovely stationery and I should use it more often. [Nata-chan: I'm really sorry that I haven't been writing much lately... But this will change! Expect a letter soon!]

5) Dean's List.
80%+ average. I WILL do it. It may make me slightly neurotic this year, but that's ok.
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