Oct 15, 2006 09:15
While I love my new apartment, it hasn't got an internet connection, which means a few things.
Firstly, when I do get a chance to read LJ it involves reading a week or two at a time, and thusly I don't have time to comment.
Secondly, no one knows anything about anything that has happened in my life lately, which I haven't got the time to fix at this particular moment.
Thirdly, I've gotten on a real mail kick, so if you would like some mail from me, either comment with your address or email it to me
my first name with no spaces or hyphens dot my last name (sloan) at gmail dot com
I most likely won't be on for another week or so, so don't expect anyting right away, but I will mail whomever I get an addie for ^_^