Jul 31, 2003 17:36
Sometimes I don't know what to update on so I don't. Hm, but then I feel lazy and decide to make some poor ass updates. Kind of like this one. I promise a real update soon blahblahblah. Maybe on Costa Rica since that was so long ago. *cries*
Mark IMed me out of the blue today. We had a pooooor conversation before he had to go. And he has never heard of Brand New. The poor boy. Surprising because he and Ashley, are unofficialy together, and she's a Brand New fan. Yeah, did I mention she's 18 soon to be 19 in Septemeber and he turned 15 last June? Illegal activities!
I've noticed a pattern I repeat with every guy I like, but more on that later. I finished writing my thank you notes to relatives for my bday so no I suppose I should go do something else.
Don't know what.
By the way the kitchen people came on Monday for the first day of work. Kitchen is soooo incredibly torn up. Oh well. It's cool treking to the basement and to the dining room every time I feel like eating. I'm sure thi will make me healthier. Too much work to get any food. haha.
Time to eat and go driving or something like that.
Possible update later tonight on Costa Rica and if I'm feeling very ambitious, everything since! *gasp*
I know I got you hooked now..
You're on the edge of your seat..
You're dying of the suspense..