Sweet Ass!! Finally!

Jan 20, 2003 13:42

Oh boy..this has to have been the longest time I’ve ever gone without giving a real update..December 5 - January 20. I am amazing!!

Even though you don’t care..I’m reviewing everything for myself cuz hey, this is my journal after all and I’m the boss around here!!!

Dec 5 - So like I said it was a snow day so I sat around before ransacking my house for boots, gloves, coats, and the like. Eventually got my act together and walked to Kovalcik with Katie, Ashley, and Jen. We got there and met up with Zack, Johnev, Jordan, and some other people who were there. We sled rode and made snow angels and such. It was fun. And there was some tension between me and Zack, but hey, what would you expect? Then Ashely left eventually and Jen, Katie, and I went to play on the playground while the boys sat in the pavilion. Then randomly when we looked back they were gone so we called out for them but no one answered. So we left too after a while and Katie and I stopped back at my house to call Zack. However, he wasn’t home so Katie went home and we both ate and got changed. She called me and I went down to her house and from there we proceeded to go over to Johnev’s, where Zack also was, to go in his hot tub. haha, that was some fun stuff let me tell ya! His mom was so nice even when we were like stripping to bikinis in his kitchen. lol. We felt awkward to say the least.. So we were all chillin in the hot tub and Zack randomly started giving me a foot massage, don’t ask I don’t know even now. But then we all like ran out and lay down in the snow and it didn’t bother me at all. I like sat there playing in it. I’m a beast, I know. So then we got back in and Johnev had had enough hot tub time so he left and it was Katie, Zack, and me. Well we got in a line for shoulder/back massages. lol. It was Zack massaging me and me massaging Katie. And it was so sad but still so nice. Who knows.. I was so confused after that day. Well, Katie and I left and then I chilled at home probably and Zack called later that night and we talked for about 15 minutes or so. Not a bad snow day at all..

Dec 6 - school then practice.. Not bad cuz afterwards the girls team went out to the Olive Garden for dinner. So yummy! Katie and I split a pizza and we ate some people’s salad stuff. And we each got a bowl of wedding soup and ate like a million breadsticks each. Then Katie and I argued about our bill for literally like 10 minutes because we couldn’t figure out how much each person needed to pay. It was hilarious. And Kasey got a penny in her wedding soup and she, Molly, and Elaina came in really late and probably high and it was ridiculous! Then Nicole drove us all back to the school and my mom picked me, Katie, and Becca up. We took Becca home and Katie came over to sleep over. We called Zack and Johnev to come over for awhile and they did so we played pool and then were lazy and laid around in the dark. And at first I was sitting near the couch Zack was on leaning against it and he like moved over and invited me up so we lay there under a blanket with me in his arms and oooohhhhhhhh.. Horrible, but so nice. They left at like 10:45 and then Katie and I ate some food and eventually played dorky online computer games all night. And we made so much at lemonade stand game. We rock! lol

Dec 7 - my parents anniversary! yay for them! Went to practice and into my grandparents later that day.. pretty uneventful

Dec 8 - nothing

Dec 9 - nothing

Dec 10 - nothing

Dec 11 - nothing

Dec 12 - first meet of the season! home vs. Latrobe. Soooo sad cuz Zack was talking to Eileen like, the whole time. Killer let me tell you.. Came home and like, died.

Dec 13 - After practice came home and went to the end of the hockey game with Katie and Becca. Then we went to the movies and saw “Maid in Manhattan” with Rachel and Caitlin. Not a bad movie. Pretty cute, we all liked it..

Dec 14 - Westminster Relays..not me though!! Instead I went shopping with my family. We ended up getting a new tv for our basement .. it’s huge .. and a dvd player. Also finished Xmas shopping more or less.

Dec 15 - nothing

Dec 16 - home meet vs. fox chapel. More talking to Eileen on Zack’s part.. Gotta get over it sometime.. but it’s so hard!!! Secret santa started today. I had Jessie Rubino and got her fabulous gifts! lol

Dec 17 - nothing

Dec 18 - nothing

Dec 19 - another home meet!! blah! this one vs Pittsburgh and Oakland central catholic and it was harrrrd. Brought cookies since it was my night..

Dec 20 - hour early dismissal so we basically got out of practice an hour earlier and that’s it. That night the girls team went to Molly’s and we had our secret santa party and it was so much fun. Tons of food and tons of fun!! Basically chilled in a corner with Eileen, Katie, Becca, and occasional others too. Brit K brought some guy friend and he’s going to Iraq soon cuz he’s in the marines and I felt bad but he was all like “Oh, I’m not scared. we already went to Afghanistan and it was nothing.” I’d like, die if I had to leave!! Then afterwards there was a girls team sleepover at Rachel’s but the only people there were..Rachel, Jaqui, Kelly, Caitlin, Eileen, Becca, Brit K, and me. It was fun though. I enjoyed myself.

Dec 21- practice and I was soooo tired!!

Dec 22 - mall with my mom to do some real last minute xmas shopping

Dec 23 - after practice it was the team xmas party so Katie and I stayed at that for awhile before we left to go to Monroeville with her mom and sisters. We went to lots of stores and stuff before eventually helping them pick out a tree (so late, haha!) and going home for dinner. Then I went over to Katie’s for awhile that night. Busy, busy day!

Dec 24 - xmas eve practice! only from 10-12 instead of 9-12. yay! played sharks and minnows and tried to clear the flags off of the diving board after our warm up. I was so good at sharks and minnows, yes baby. I was like almost always the last girl up. I felt so awesome, like I was good at something. Hey, if you can’t be good at swimming, be good at swimming games.. just make sure not to dive in where Darren Miller was waiting to catch you.. Ruins your chance to be the complete champion, let me tell you. lol. Oh well fun day. Had xmas eve dinner that night which was delish! Yum!

Dec 25 - merry xmas to all! Mine was good. Got the basic stuff and enjoyed it. Went to my grandparents that night and picked at some leftovers from their xmas eve dinner. Came home and watched tv and chilled online some too.

Dec 26 - had practice and went to Zack’s from 4 - 6. Since he already gave me my gift I had to take his over. I ended up getting him a pair of earrings (from Claires, hehe!) that hopefully wouldn’t corrode like his old ones in the chlorine. also got him a guitar strap since for xmas one of the things he got was a bass guitar. supposedly it was one of the best ones or something. I was like “sure! I’ll take it!” and his mom gave me my gift which was so sweet! It was bath gel and body lotion. they smell soooo good! I use them like, every single day! lol. Well we watched “Jason X” and talked and just joked around and stuff and it was pretty cool. I mean, it was back like the old days. We talked a little about the breakup but more or less avoided it. Then later that night Katie slept over and it was fun. We watched the first Harry Potter so we could later go and watch the second one in the movies, but whenever we planned to it was out of theaters! what a waste! tell me about it.. it was good though. we ate lots of food and then did some tarot card readings for each other with this kit she got for xmas. “how painful it can be to just accept what is” isn’t it the truth. It was a fortune thing for me and that was the main message the cards were trying to tell me. It was a little longer but I can’t remember it all. It was sad. We went to sleep and woke up the next day on

Dec 27 - to go to practice. after practice I came home and showered then went with my mom to my grandparents. we stayed there til the 29th and it was a nice lazy few days.

Dec 28 - at gparents

Dec 29 - came home from gparents after church and brunch.

Dec 30 - went to practice and then had a dentist appointment at 4. all is well and supposedly even with just decent dental hygine I should never get any cavities. Yay for me and good teeth!

Dec 31 - after practice went straight to my hair appointment at 12:15 and got a trim and highlights. came home and Katie and I went to the movies to see “Two Weeks Notice” which was adorably wonderful!! It was so funny and Sandra Bullock and Hugh Grant were so perfect together! Oooh, I loved it! And I had these free movie pass things and we had 4 extras so after we were trying to pass them out to people and everyone seemed skeptical so we were like “we’ll wait right here we promise!” and the second couple was so nice and they were like “you made our day! thanks so much! and happy new year!” and Katie and I were like “good deeds in 2002, check!” We went home and got ready before getting picked up by Becca to go to Mo’s for New years eve. At Mo’s it was Emily, Adrian, Jean, Lauren Lasser, Becca, Katie, Mo, and me. It was so much fun. We watched tv, movies, talked, played ps2 (grand theft auto is the best!!!!! sa-weet!), and all did something as the clock struck 12. I was the first to eat m&m’s. Yay for me! Then we all went outside and jumped on her trampoline making so much noise. And Jean and Lauren were clutching onto the sides since they both had their ACLs torn before. It was so cute. And then we all went inside and stayed up some more. Adrian and I stayed up til like 4:30-5ish playing GTA before going to bed. It was really fun.

Jan 1, 2003!!!! - last day of break  Came home from Mo’s after breakfast and worked on my thesis most of the day! didn’t have a new years resolution..what should it be? hmmmm..well, heres the motto of 2003: You must go through the rain to get to the rainbow. Learn it, love it, live it.. right now! Do it I said!

Jan 2 - back to school. depressing, isn’t it? After school went to Pizza Hut with Katie, Ashley, and Becca with our personal pan pizza cards. Poor Ashley was the outcast..she didn’t have one. So we ate and laughed so much before Ashley drove us back up to the school in time for us to get our stuff before getting on the bus for our first away meet of the season! It was at North Allegheny.

Jan 3 - nothing but practice

Jan 4 - nothing but practice

Jan 5- nothing

Jan 6 - away swim meet vs hempfield. And Johnev’s 17th birthday!

Jan 7 - home meet vs bethel park.. gave Johnev a beautifully handmade birthday card I made after last nights meet.

Jan 8 - practice

Jan 9 - yet another meet! this one at home against penn Trafford. Brought cookies since it was my day again

Jan 10 - nothing but thesis

Jan 11 - swimming from 7:45 - 9:30 since I had band from 10 - 11, which was directly in the normal swimming time slot of 9 - 12. So after band I went home and did guess what! MORE THESIS!

Jan 12 - didn’t bother me as much as I thought it would.. I guess it’s getting easier and that I’m getting stronger. Who knows? Only cried when I began thinking about it all during my thesis writing. Forced myself to stop and amazingly, I did. Not that bad at all. Still depressing and sad, but not to the extent I thought it would be.

Jan 13 - away meet vs woodland hills

Jan 14 - practice

Jan 15 - practice

Jan 16 - home meet vs kiski

Jan 17 - SWEET ASS! morning practice baby! from 5:30 - 6:45 and it was awesome! I love morning practice! there was like no one there and it was pretty easy and fun! then we showered and got the remains of breakfast since the guys had already gotten to it. Got some hot chocolate which made the cup like rub off and stick pieces to my hand. Rushed through getting ready super, super fast and then proceeded to speed walk up to the high school with Eileen, Val, and Kelly. Got there with 10 minutes before 1st period.. plenty of time to spare.. Got through 3 tests and after school went to practice also. Used my arms the whole practice cuz I had a painful ingrown toenail and it hurt too much to kick. After practice came home and got all my stuff ready before going to Nicole’s for a girls team sleepover. Lots of people were there this time! Ordered pizza and stuff and watched tv (dude wheres my car), movies (dazed and confused, goldmember), played foozball (Kelly o and I were team dejection and we so almost beat Caitlin and Tina p who were team high). Oh well, next year. Then I talked with my sophomore gals the rest of the night..Eileen, Rachel, Kelly, Becca, Katie, and I believe that’s all who was in our circle group thing? Fell asleep kinda early but not first.

Jan 18 - we all got up around 8ish and decided hey! Let’s go to practice at 10 instead of 9! so we watched Nicole’s highlight videos of the past two seasons. But Eileen left with Chris at 8:50 to get there on time. Oh well. We got there and all walked in with hoods up looking down knowing he was mad. hahaha! we must have looked so cool! then we all went into the weight room for a talk. he was saying how it would have looked better if all the girls walked in together instead of having some there at 9 and most and hour later. too bad we couldn’t force everyone to sleep over if their parents wouldn’t let them.. Well we got changed and ended up doing the whole practice in 2 hours. Everyone else got to play sharks and minnows at the end which was sad cuz I wanted to also! lol. And our practice was ridiculous near the end cuz there were people all in our lanes playing their game making it impossible for us to swim. Geeze oh man.. Then that night was Mo’s surprise bday party at Pizza Pub. She was actually surprised which was cool since those usually don’t work out. Ate some food, danced near the jukebox, and then we went to the movies and saw “Just Married” which was pretty funny. It had an adorable ending and I liked it. Came home then and slept eventually.

Jan 19 - Went to the mall with my mom for some after Xmas returns (belated, I know) and some misc. shopping. Got some cute spring clothes that I’m excited to wear. Three skirts and a fabulous dress that honestly looks like it was made for me. It’s so classy. Ooooh. Spring come fast!!!! Then we stopped at home briefly and I got to Callan’s at 2:00 for the freshman dance practice which was supposed to be from 1-5. Only Callan went skiing, her sister informed me and forgot to tell us all! So I went with my mom to the grocery store and picked out some make up and good snacks for her to buy me! Always a plus! And I was so happy that they had the same eyeshadow palatte that I got before like, 3 years ago that I just recently started using everyday! Thank goodness! Chilled at home for the rest of the day and did almost all of my homework.

TODAY! Jan 20 - finally, I’m up to today. Got up at 9 and walked around some before getting ready for band from 10 - 11. Put on a zillion layers since we were goin outside only when I got there he decided we were staying inside! So I stripped down 2 layers on top and bottom so I was at one on each half. Came home and ate lunch while listening to my music on my BRAND NEW cd player that I got yesterday and it is beautiful and I love it! My old one would like randomly stop if you moved it. It was horrible. I love this one. It’s like a deep blue and so pretty and *eats cd player* And then at 2:30-5:30ish we have swimming so I figured “hey I have nothing else to do I should update!”

So you know what! Here it is! A full, real, true update!

Do you love it or do you love it?

*squeals* I love updating and taking that burden off my shoulders..
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