Feb 05, 2008 09:27
WARNING THIS IS A RANT (side note: i woke up early to go to the store and get paczki's; and also I spent $500 plus $50ish a week on gas to take this GRE class up in tucson, which requires 7 hours a week of class, plus driving an hour and 15 miuntes each way, leaving by 3pm every tuesday/thursday to beat out traffic, and not getting home until sometimes 11pm at night).
Oh my god, this is the WORST day ever. No paczkis in this entire town- I just called all the bakeries, and they were like "whats that" ugh. Then I called wayne state to find out abou the graduate assitantship and find out what the average GRE scores were and they said that you didn't need a GRE score to enroll. UGH! Thats crap because on the application they ask for it. How annoying. Oh well I'm still going to take it because I've already put a lot of time and money into it. Anyway, I hope you enjoy your warm day- today is pretty cold here- was about 25 out this morning and I almost broke my neck walking out of my apartment due to the layer of ICE on the pathway to the stairs. Ugh, Happy Fat Tuesday.