I am Loved!

Nov 17, 2006 06:00

Last night Ann came over to have dinner and stay the night. We had another experience that was almost spiritual. It was wonderful. Most of this time was spent talking and holding and getting closer. Then it happened!!! She said that she was a bit scared that she would somehow mess this up because of her luck with women. I asked her if I was anything like the other women that were in her life, she said no. I said so there you have it! I'm not these other women and this is a different relationship. I told her to not be frightened and just let her feelings out. So she did. She told me that she loved me. *Huge smile and warm fuzzies inside!* I told her that I too loved her. I also told her that doesn't mean that we have to pledge our unfailing love or plan a day to pick out china and furniture yet. She laughed and I think got a little more relaxed about what had just unfolded. I like the idea that we live apart and can love each other without that *forever* commitment. We did agree that we would not see other people. That part was easy. I don't exactly have women beating down my door. Even if I did, I would still be doing what I'm doing. Ann and I have so much in common (other than Xena!) and we enjoy being together. We talk more than I have ever done with any of my exes. I like that.

So for the record...
I love Ann Bailey.... alot!
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