Aug 29, 2006 22:29
I've been watching Buffy Season 3. (since I now own it - bout bloody time!) And rediscovering Faith.
And she's...that person I can find answers in when the questions in my head are screaming too loud for me to bear. And they're not the answers to my questions, I guess they're really just proof that others have questions too. And I can rest in that. Because Faith could have had everything she wanted - a close group of friends, the work she loved, a home of sorts. And she threw it away, and came close to destroying people who cared about her. Because there was something in her that screamed NO. And because that something wouldn't let 'everything' be enough.
I'm so grateful for people who create...especially those who create characters through words and colour and drama. Characters who let us live (even if it's just for a while) in a reality where the worlds in our heads are not suppressed. And the voices we hear are not always wrong.