Where we carved our names we'll live forever we'll die together

Nov 01, 2005 18:58

Things have been going alright I guess I can say. Friday night I went to the game with Megannn! Laconia vs. Manadnock. [correction on spelling palease. ] During half time I went to the Sunoco with these cute girlies i know ;) dev, kristen and megs and got very good french vanilla hot chocolate. Pretty much I talked with devin and reddic throughout the game when I got bored. Then Christian's mom brought me and meg home, and we threw sweats on and talked. It was really exciting for me because she's someone I've always been able to talk to and I can trust her. Saturday morning megan called her mom from her cell phone to the house so her mom could make us pancakes, haha what a morning. That afternoon Chriiistian came over for a while and we all went to the movies. Them, me, my mom & her parents. To go see SAW 2 BITCHES, kick ass movie! When it go over we rushed to Pizza Hut & I went straight to babysitting, till 12:30, what fun..but hey its money. Sunday morning I was awoken by the wonderful smell of pancakes and bacon! Then I carved my 2 pumpkins, and they came out very well I must admitt. That afternoon my mom brought me to Tj Maxx & bought me a sweater, its very pretty. The rest of the day I did something? I just can't remember.
                 Figured I'd Update. thnxx.

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