All 7 And We'll Watch Them Fall, Part Four

Feb 04, 2011 09:07

Well, yesterday kind of sucked on multiple levels. Today is already better. I swam 25 laps before 7AM and I passed on the table full of donuts laid out at work. I did, however, cave a little and had a bagel. The odds of having time for lunch today are slim, so that is my substitute. A slight justification, right?

Anyway... on to the Seven Deadly Sins meme. Today is "Day 4 - Sloth: Seven Things You Neglect To Do"

This should not be too difficult.

1. Cleaning - I am actually quite good with household stuff like laundry, dishes, cooking, and the day-to-day stuff but I positively suck when it comes to vacuuming, deep cleaning (kitchen, bathrooms, garage, etc.), and other stuff.

2. Not Say What I'm Thinking/Feeling - I am over-communicative. It's a condition that has both served me well and hurt me to some degree. Sometimes I need to remember it's okay to not express everything. :)

3. Saving Money/Impulse Buying - I'll group these two together because I'm sure if I could get control of one it would help to serve the other. I love to bargain hunt and I'm actually quite good at it but I know I should have more in our savings account.

4. Give My Little Peeps Praise - I'm better at this with friends sometimes than I am with my family. It's a trap I think a lot of spouses and parents fall into; the whole taking everyone close to you for granted thing. Kids need a lot reminders about chores and about what they're doing wrong but I need to be more mindful of all the things they are doing right because it far outweighs their screw-ups and mistakes, most of which are attributable to their ages.

5. Not Be So Hard On Myself - I was reminded of this as recently as this morning. I am forever my own worst critic, a horrible over-thinker, etc. and, really, deep down I know I'm better than I give myself credit for.

6. Communicate With Siblings - There has been a lot of disconnect in recent years, especially with my sister. I know this gap needs to be bridged but all that "OMG, you piss me off!"-ness of the situation makes me keep putting it off, over and over.

7. Take Maximum Care of The Vessel - I've stepped it up lately with better diet (this morning's bagel aside) and a ton of exercise but I need to be mindful of making both my life and not some thing I'm working on temporarily. Good eating, good care of the vessel (as opposed to a temple) need to be automatic instead of a more forced behavior.

That was easy breezy!

Still to come...

Day 5 - Greed. Seven worldly material desires.
Day 6 - Gluttony. Seven guilty pleasures.
Day 7 - Lust. Seven love secrets.

I'm kinda psyched for the next three, #7 in particular because, damn, I am a Love God. Barry White didn't have anything on me. ;)


kids, money, life, family, meme

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