Oh Wow, Another Meme Giving Me The Chance To Write Even More About Myself!

Aug 03, 2009 13:13

This one seems to be making the rounds and, to it's credit, it asks some interesting questions.

And away we go...

1. What bill do you hate paying the most?

At present I hate paying our storage facility bill because it reminds us that the reason we have stuff in storage is because we "de-cluttered" our house in order to put it up for sale. And each month we still have to pay this bill reminds us that our house has not sold yet. :(

2. Where was the last place you had a romantic dinner?

I am not a big believer in the stereotypical/societal definition of a "romantic" dinner. Romance can present itself anywhere so while I can't remember specifics I wouldn't rule out the possibility that it occurred at an Izzy's all-you-can-eat pizza and salad buffet.

3. What do you really want to be doing right now?

I wish I was packing because that would mean we were actually moving!

4. How many colleges did you attend?

Just one, with one major. Four years start to finish. Probably the most focused I've ever been.

5. Why did you choose the shirt that you have on right now?

It was clean and it goes with the shorts I wanted to wear.

6. What are your thoughts on gas prices?

They're not too bad right now and certainly better than a year ago. The simple fact is that more ways you find not to drive and the more efficient your vehicle is the less you notice or get bent out of shape over it.

7. First thought when the alarm went off this morning?

I woke up before it went off. This happens to me way too often.

8. Last thought before going to sleep last night?

"I hope the showing on Sunday went well and we get good feedback" (we didn't)

9. Do you miss being a child?

Sometimes. Usually its when I wish I had no responsibilities or obligations but I tend to like being a grown-up.

10. What errand/chore do you despise?

I hate folding whites. I don't mind doing other laundry but something about matching up socks just annoys the piss out of me!

11. Get up early or sleep in?

It depends on what I'm getting up early for. If it's for Christmas presents I'm all for getting up. If it's for work... eh... not so much. But I am a good morning person so getting up early doesn't bug me too much.

12. Have you found real love yet?

I found the greatest love of all inside of me. Hee, hee...

13. Favorite lunch meat?


14. What do you get every time you go into Wal-Mart?

I have not been in a Wal-Mart in years but the last time I was in one I bought a memory card for the computer/camera.

15. Beach or lake?

Beach, because the ocean is incredible.

16. Do you think marriage is an outdated ritual?

I think it depends on the individual. As a concept it does seem to stand in contrast to certain parts of our own human nature and natural instincts. Then again, it is also a reflection of our free will so...

17. Sopranos or Desperate Housewives?


18.What famous person would you like to have dinner with?

I'd like to have dinner with Jon Stewart because he seems like a very intelligent guy, in addition to being very funny.

19. Have you ever crashed your vehicle?

Yes, my first car hit black ice on the interstate and it was scary as hell!

20. Ever use a fire extinguisher for it's intended purpose?


21. Ring tone?

A very generic old fashioned ring.

22. Strangest place you have ever brushed your teeth?

In the back of my car.

23. Somewhere in California you've never been and would like to go?

I grew up in California so there isn't much territory there I haven't at least passed through, but I'd love to revisit San Diego sometime, mostly for the Zoo.

23.5 Do you go to church?


24. At this point in your life would you rather start a new career or a new relationship?

I'd like to alter my relationship with my career a little bit but, on the whole, I'm happy with both. :)

25. How old are you?

I just turned 36.

26. Do you have a go to person?

Yes, I do and she is pretty rad.

27. Are you where you want to be in life?

No, but I don't think I ever will be. I always want there to be "something" I'm striving toward. But I'm content and I am grateful and most of the time I am quite pleased with how things have worked out.

28. Growing up, what were your favorite cartoons?

I was a huge G.I. Joe fan (can't wait for the movie!) but I also loved Super Friends and Tom & Jerry.

29. What about you do you think has changed the most?`

I'm wiser than I once was, less idealistic, and more of a realist.

30. Looking back at high school were they the best years of your life?

They were fun years but they had their trials and tribulations too so I can't say they were the best. They were, at times, the most carefree years of my life while also being among the most stressful.

31. Are there times you still feel like a kid?

Sure. I never want to lose that part of myself that gets excited for a new movie or Christmas or a new album I've been looking forward to.

32. Did you ever own troll dolls?


33. Did you have a pager?

Yes, back in my drug dealing and pimping days. Wild times...

(No, I never had a pager.)

34. Where was the hang out spot when you were a teenager?

If all else failed my friends and I would wind up in a Denny's, a Lyon's, or a Winchell's Donuts. The commonality? Cheap coffee!

35. Were you the type of kid you would want your children to hang out with?

I was! I was generally very nice, very loyal, and had a good enough head on my shoulders to avoid the biggest kinds of trouble while still being curious and carefree enough to dabble in "small" trouble. I could sometimes be a leader and sometimes be a follower and I appreciated the friends I had so... yeah... my own kids could do worse! :P



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