May 30, 2007 16:06
The edition of Soundtrack that I'm crafting for June will not be called "Summer Road Trip". The theme and overall vibe of the show won't be changing but, after collecting some of the song suggestions from others and going over some stuff that I think would kick ass for the show, I realized "Summer Road Trip" just doesn't capture the way the musical puzzle pieces are falling into place.
So instead the forthcoming show will be titled "Postcards From The Road". And even though the show/theme title is just a combination of words, it is funny how removing 'Summer' from the equation has changed my whole mental frame on the still-in-progress play list. Yes, summer is the most ideal season for a long road trip but when I think of 'Summer' and 'Music' in combination I tend to think of upbeat, fun, poppy songs that sound to the ear like a popsicle tastes to the tongue. And anyone who has ever driven a great distance knows that while an upbeat track here or there is great while behind the wheel, a journey of any significant distance can also bring about a lot of reflection. Reflection on yourself, on a relationship, on people, where you are, where you're going, and whether any of the above matter any more than the pavement or dirt road you have found yourself traveling on.
My original thought was that the show would have a thematic mix tape vibe, with each song being another push-pin on a musical map. But that is rather limiting, I think, in terms of songs and creativity. So instead what I'm seeing now is more an overview on what inspires us to take a trip -- to drive when flying would be faster, who we're driving toward, who we're leaving behind -- and the wonder and wisdom we experience or gain on such a trip.
As you can probably gather from this entry, I've put entirely too much thought into this next show. I think that's because I was so pleased with how this month's edition, "Before You Were Born", turned out and the positive feedback I got on it. I always want the next show to be better than the one before it. I think "Postcards from the Road" has that kind of potential.
Lastly, if the words "Postcards from the Road" conjure up a song in your mind please leave the song title and artist in the comments area. I've still got 'open slots' for the show and even if I don't use your song, I promise I will at least check it out.
dork hear me roar