The new edition of Soundtrack, my music/thematic podcast, is up and ready for download. Grab it and do with it as you will. I usually recommend putting them to CD and then going the stereo or car route. And with this particular show,
"Before You Were Born", I think it would sound really good en route to somewhere or, on the opposite end, as Sunday morning (or weekend) listening. (Some technical notes: The show is in MP3 form at 192kps for optimum sound; it's 67MBs and should download very quick with high speed.)
Never has one of these shows been so easy to produce and with an end result that I would easily place in the Top 3 (of the 15, so far) shows that I've put together. And I owe all of that to the folks who commented with their "pre-birth" songs that tied to the concept/theme. For those keeping score at home, the oldest person who took part was born in 1964 and the youngest was born in 1985. So, as you can imagine, the songs run the range from the 1950s and right on through the decades. There are a lot of familiar names here but there are also some surprises, some one hit wonders, and a few other tricks I had up my sleeve.
Also, as there were some "newcomers" (thanks Rich!) who took part I hope you'll check out the show and if you like it (and I hope you do) that you'll pass on the link to others. Soundtrack is, in theory, supposed to be a "Next Gen" sort of radio/web program, with lots of interaction and input from others.
Finally, this time I would really like to know if you grabbed it and listened. I have no means of knowing how many people are downloading these things other than that. So if you download it let me know. And, of course, comments and feedback are great. Thanks!