Oct 23, 2006 12:31
what's up my homies?!
Hope all is well.
Taking some jack-off art classes at a community college right now. Hopefully transfer to a design institute, L.A. or San FRan, within the next year or so.
Really getting into sculpture, pictures to follow at some point. I am currently working on a giant lemon wedge, approximately two feet by two feet. It huge and currently looks like a vagina.
I started my new job as a party coordinator for a tea house. Basically i run little kid parties and do arts and crafts all day. Its the perfect job in my humble opinion and i make bank which is all that matters at this current moment.
I am getting a bit artsy fartsy, which might be considered a problem, though i'm rather happy at the moment.
I miss all my davis babies and hope to come again and visit soon, minus the car break-in. Let's keep our fingers crossed.
LOts o Lovies your way--
brit rose