Jul 19, 2004 16:44
To my dear friend
Not much else matters
I love you
Can that not be enough to suffice?
Why if we are told not to judge
do we create a god of judgement?
what sense does that make?
Is it okay to question?
Am I testing my faith even now?
Is what I've been told truth?
Do I fully believe it?
Or was it so ingrained into me,
I've accepted it as my own?
Like the fish in water
whose unaware of it's surroundings
until it is pulled out of the water.
That is me now.
I am a fish.
Let me swim in my own water
for awhile.
Dearest friend, truest comfort.
One can only imagine the beauty
you see through your those eyes.
And I'll envy you for that.
For I am but a fish.