Dec 13, 2004 12:09
I don’t usually post too often, but I thought that it was worth mentioning this one as it isn’t often that your cat attempts to kill you. Many of you would remember the time that Cheetah scarred my face by waiting until I was asleep on the couch and then sprinting over me and using my jaw as a launchpad, by digging her back claw into and ripping my skin, to help her leap into the kitchen. I will forever wear a reminder of that episode, although luckily it’s faded enough that you can’t see it unless you know what to look for (it's still over two inches long, from under my jaw all the up to over my top lip). At the time I thought that she was just being a cat, and had obviously thought that someone had called her into the kitchen to feed her. It did seem odd, considering that no had been in the kitchen at the time, but I just let it go.
However as of last night I now realise that she’s actually an assassin, sent to do me in under the guise of a domesticated house cat. It was 2am, I was asleep in bed, she was curled up beside me. Suddenly she leapt onto my throat. Half asleep, my muscle memory must have still recalled what she did to me last time as I managed to fling her off me before she could cut my throat with her her back foot as she used my thoat as a launchpad to help her leap out of the door. I caught it in the hand instead as I flung her. Another lucky escape...
Well Cheetah, it looks like it’s back to the drawing board and futile attempts to trip me as I make my way to the bathroom in the middle of the night. (Still, it's better than one of my other cats who tries to open my wardrobe and pee on my shoes whenever she's not happy).