Just a quickie

Oct 03, 2011 14:10

I don't have much time today, but I realized that I had not been on here in a minute and wanted to at least do a quickie. Things have been going well for me for the most part. There are definitely ups and downs, but I try to get through them as they come.
Personal: Still hanging out with the BF....yes, you read it right and yes, those two letters really do mean 'boyfriend'. I've very much enjoyed my time with him and it's nice to know that finally someone has my back and that I don't always have to be on guard. It's also nice to be able to relax with someone...simply sit around and read a book or watch a movie without the expectation that we *always* have to be doing something.
Business: I've produced two *very* successful burlesque shows this year and am pleased with how both came out. I am, however, considering trying something else at DragonCon, as I KNOW I can produce a successful show, and I am itching to try something outside of burlesque. I also have some great ideas for next year's Anime Cabaret at AWA and can't wait to start work on that!
Other than my shows, I still perform regularly for Mon Cherie and occasionally for Syrens of the South. Both allow me to stretch creatively and I am thankful for the opportunities that both provide.
Work: Having some drama at work, but I also know that there is nothing I can do about it and that it is on other people to be adults at work and actually *gasp* do their job. It sucks that the new manager is being so hard-headed about time off. It's annoying because I need to work to live, not live to work. I like having free time and being able to *finally* have someone to spend it with. Not giving that up easily. I've done the insane work schedule thing. Been there and done that and not going back unless forced to.
Alrighty....I think that is a good quickie.
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