As I look out over our soggy-again backyard, I'm reminded of the dozens of wonderful people who used it last night and think of how fortunate we were to have such great weather.
For being the Day of the Beast or something, yesterday certainly goes into my memory banks as one of my best birthdays ever. Thanks to all of you who stopped by and brought good food and company to share.
moominmolly and
dilletante said they'd like to do something like that on a regular basis, which sounds great to me. It wasn't supposed to be a birthday party per se, but since just about everyone made a point of wishing me a happy birthday it certainly felt like it, and I feel all kinds of loved. Plus, I got to meet a few cool new people - always a bonus.
There were some quieter highlights for me eariler in the day as well: a letter from my dad expressing a desire to reconnect (he's been pretty distant the past few years), the first strawberries from our garden with homemade waffles (also got to visit with
water_childe and little miss N then), happy moments with
ceelove and Sylvana. Even hauling off the rusting appliances to the scrap dealer was a pleasure, followed by an hour of gathering food, drink and ice cream for the party (most of which went over quite well). Happy happy joy joy blah blah blah.
And now I have to go back to work in this weather? Ick. Guess who's going to be residing in happy dreams of yesterday today?