Apr 21, 2004 21:40
well its been a few days and they've kinda sucked.. pretty boring nothing going on really. sad sad news... jessica is almost 100% decided to go to Union College in New York, im really happy for her to get in to that school but, it makes me really really sad that shes gonna be leaving and we'r gonna be ending, i feel like i wont kno what to do by myself. im gonna miss her so much, fuck it gets me so upset and angry at the same time, i dont kno why its just wierd now knowing shes gonna be gone from my life in a few months. time will tell what happens i suppose. blaaaah i hate college!!!!! aside form that grad nite is this weekend, hoping to have some fun with that, and then prom...im so sick of prom already, eveyrones gonna be split up, joes prob. gonna be 1 place, me somewhere else, and morgan somewhere else after that, chris is ognna be out in west palm, bryans playing a show, i dunno shits wierd. i have a feeling its not gonna be all that cool. well whatev we'll see how it goes