All the things left undiscovered...

Sep 15, 2004 20:20

ok guys, i don't remember the last time i updated, so i'm having a whirl at it.

um. we'll start at monday, that's as far as i'm taking it back. monday i had class. monday night i went to andy's parents. we ate. then we talked. good times. tuesday. slept through some classes. went to the late class. went to andy's. layed around with him forever. then christi, andy, and i went to wal-mart. we bought food. andy cooked for us. it was cute. then andy and i fell asleep. he woke up sometime in the morning. decided to go get milk. i told him he was random and continued to sleep. he said he'd wake me up at 8:80. which leads me to today. woke up at 8:30, went to the opthomologist. so happy! my prescription didn't change at all! that means my eyes aren't getting worse at the current moment! dialated pupils. couldn't go to first class. went to german. did well on my quiz. cleaned. went to dad's for supper. came home. popped some pills. going to take a shower and do homework.

wow. i'm exciting.

oh, and shit talking isn't cool. especially if you hang out with people and they tell you who is shit talking.... no need for comments on that one. just know, i know who you are.

no more for tonight.
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