
Jul 27, 2009 13:22

She fired me.

I figured she would.

Is it wrong of me to be HAPPY? XD

Yeah...I got the job at Subway and the manager at Pizza Hut fires me for getting a second job. Oh well. I am gonna get it in writing that she actually fired me...

It went like this: I leave Orientation at Subway to go to Pizza Hut to give them my schedual. Jan isn't working, she's on vacation. Lacy, one of the other waitresses, looks at me oddly and says I am not on next week's schedual. I grin and ask to see it, and sure enough, she not only didn't give me hours, she actually REMOVED my name from the schedual.

Oh how I wish I had the balls to just say FUCKYOU and walk out for good and not go back in tonight...but, I have more respect for everyone else here to not do that, and if I DID walk out, then it wouldn't look very good on me in the end. So, I will be the better person, finish out my shift, and walk off saying, FUCK YOU, PIZZA HUT! MUAHAHHAHAHAHA!

Okay, but srsly.

They want to fire me over getting a second job...WHICH MOST EVERYONE NEEDS NOWADAYS TO MAKE ENDS MEET, DUH...then I can actually take this to corporate. ESPECIALLY if she refuses to give me my termination in writing.

She's holding the torch. She just doesn't realize the fire is burning her yet.

Other than that, doing pretty good.
I don't like the way the economy and then some is going...But, things will fall into place soon enough, methinks. As I have said for a very long time, things will happen as they should.

Those of us with the will, will survive this.

Those that don't...we will see you on the other side.

As for the government...well, anything I want to say could be construed as traitorous acts, terrorism, racism, threats, whatever. Just know I don't care for our government and I have ZERO FAITH in it. I haven't voted, yes I admit that, because it doesn't matter what we vote...somewhere along the line....someone is probably screwing numbers, being paid off, stuff like that. Dad mentioned something about some sort of healthcare that the government is trying to pass...but that those over 50 or something like that won't get it. Like say, as my dad put it, if someone needed heart surgery, the GOVERNMENT decides if you get it or not if you are over a certain age. Not the doctors, not friends or family, not you. Meaning, my mom? She would loose ALL her medication, my Dad would lose all his, both my parents would be fucked, and I would find a way to sue the government for murder of my mother if they take her medications from her. They take away her heart meds and that could mean DEATH. They are gonna set up "End of Life Counciling"...WTF? You're going to tell me I am too old to get live-saving surgery to save your own asses money, and then council me to death!? LITERALLY!? FUCK THAT. GODDAMN DEATHCAMPS. That's all it is. Yeah...all those graveyards I saw on Youtube? NOW they make sense. I will not be "counciled" on death. I know what is beyond the Doors of Death. It is what you make it, not what someone tells you it is. Death is nothing but a beginning back into the Ethereal life, like how the Egyptians saw it. The 12 Hours of Night? Each "Hour" is a guardian stopping and asking you, basically, what you have learned in your lifetime. If you can't answer the questions, you come back here. A Rite of Passage, persay. Those hospices to "council" you on death and dying...they are gonna try and control the way you leave this world even? FUCK THAT SHIT. JUST FUCK THAT, AND FUCK YOU ALL. I will leave my way, NOT yours, and WHEN my time is right. NOT when you decide I have to leave. What's next, injections when people hit 50? FUCK YOU.

My faith in our "government" has faded completely.

Obama wasn't the savior that everyone hoped he would be. Instead, he's turning out to be the complete opposite. Maybe he's trying to save everyone else but the lowerclass in his own country...I don't know.


"YOU HAVE FAILED ME FOR THE LAST TIME!" - Megatron to Starscream.

pizza hut, fku, government, subway

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