Moving out by Friday. "Landlord" came up with a three day eviction notice to give to me and Josh. Still haven't signed anything. Stress is building, and I am kind-of getting a bit withdrawn. I am depressed that I am leaving Rapid, cause several of my friends are here, and I will miss them alot. No more sushi nights for me. *cries*
...I really don't want to leave, but I don't have anywhere else to go, and my parents need me anyway. I owe them so much...for a LOT of things.
I quit Cracktrans for numerous reasons. Life, work, interests redirected, and a few other things. Their journals are available, aside from Sunstorm's. I won't get rid of his.
Well now. Considering this is my stress relief, I have been working alot with Solstrom lately. He is now Lvl 54 (just dinged last night), he's got his Water Elemental(which, I can't name him, but in my mind, he's called Leviathan.), though he only lasts 45 seconds and has a 3 minute cooldown before I can use him again. I have no real idea how to use him, but I am working on it. I am learning the pet bar, too. Maybe I should make a hunter and learn it that way XD. Oh well. Maybe this way is better. I ever make a hunter, I will know already how to use my pets. ^^
Current moment, Sol has his Enchanting up to 280/300 and his Tailoring up to 310/375. He is FIVE POINTS AWAY from being able to put an Ice enchant on his staff...and considering Sol is a Frost Mage...yeah, that would be a good bonus.
Here's his profile, for those who want a closer look at what he's up to, what gear he has, and so-on and so-forth:
http://www.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Sentinels&n=Solstrom I am proud of my Frost Mage. I've worked hard on him, and just recently he got into his first true PvP fight. Here's what happened:
I was outside of Crossroads farming for light feathers for my Slow Fall spell. I had spotted a lone lvl 43 Human Warlock out in the fields, and was watching him. I had no intention of fighting at all. When he came up to me, I merely waved at him as a way of giving good intentions to him, meaning I had no intention of fighting. Well, as I stood there, I could see in the chat in the lower left hand corner he was "slapping" me, and making rude guestures(which was actually rather amusing). I informed Siv about it, and she just COULD NOT resist. She hopped on her lvl 70 hunter and headed over, meanwhile telling me to throw up all my shields, throw up my buffs, and sit down and drink to replenish my mana, and keep my shields up. Basically, bluff like I was going to fight him.
As she was flying over, however, she spotted another not far from me...right behind me, in fact, behind a hill. They were setting me up. That pissed Siv off even more, and she ran up and slammed into the lower level and pwned his ass, and that brought out the level 70 Human Paladin that had been hiding. It was then that she instructed me to sheep one, and she would go after the other. Shortly after another friend of ours showed up on her level 67 Hunter, and joined the fight. Siv died only once, I died once, and we fought them about three times. In the end, we PWNED them. I am happy with how it turned out, and I managed to keep RELATIVELY calm during the whole thing. I understood that dying was a good possibility, considering at that point Sol was 53. After the fight we ended up dancing and showing off with the Alliance characters, and Sol and one of the others got into a sort of argument over Siv(whose character is female, mind you, and Sol and the Alliance are both male). That was possibly the most amusing thing ever. They fought over her, trying to win her over. The Paladin disrobed, leaving nothing but his underpants. Sol, on the other hand(hot blood elf that he is), undressed down to his pants, leaving him shirtless. Needless to say, Sol, a Blood Elf with long red hair and a small goatee looked a LOT better than the grey-haired, bearded Alliance Paladin XD. In the end, it was all good, and lots of fun.
After that, it was off to Sunken Temple for the first time. THAT was interesting.
I have also been finding that Sol's crits are getting higher(highest was 1093 on his Frost Bolt), he's not dying as fast as he used to, and he is becoming more and more useful to others, and can help out quite a bit now. He just helped run another group through Sunken Temple last night. The AoEs that he has, Blizzard, Frost Nova and Arcane Explosion, are of a GREAT help.
I've decided my starter character, Solaiere (female Troll Mage), is going to go Frost, and go Herbalism/Alchemy. I'll be leveling her up with Tanare, a friend that I managed to drag into the game. *evil smirk*....*eyes* JOOIIIIN UUUUSSSS...
[Under a cut cause there is a lot there....XD]