(no subject)

Aug 02, 2005 10:48

okay lol.. havent updated in a while.. this week.

friday- i hung out with dana and we went to merrick to go to hang out with kyle lol. we ended up going to the park lol dana with kyle and his friends. it was hot and i was tired and gurmpy. than we got food and such and his friends left. we wnt to kyles and ate more lol than went to pride for youth? which was weird. but whatever dana was carrying alot of boxes haha than me and dana bounced and went to her house and made calzones <3 awesome lol

Saturday- i hung out with russel in the morning and his friend zach. we went to burger king in hewlett..JEWLETT hehe and  watched zach eat.. and he wanted to have a pickle race lol.. than at night i met up with laura sean brian dana rebecca rachel myles chirs and whoever else and we ate at the diner yeah

sunday- i worked 10-6 werddd no goods. lol

monday- oh boy yesterday was fun lol.. i worked 2-8 it was so  GHEY than i went to danas and met up with stef and dana . laura brian myles lizzy joey sean tom and whoever came after. i dont remember much after that lol. im glad me and liz are cool now tho lol

(o) what is your middle name: antonia
(o) where do you live: rvc
(o) do you like it there: kinda
(o) what grade are you in: going into 10th
(o) do you have a job: yes
(o) do you have a lot of friends: i suppose. i dont really like having to many but yea
(o) how many siblings: 4
(o) who do you live with: my mom

(o) what is your favorite era (60s, 70s, 80s): 60's and 80's
(o) who is your favorite 90s band: SPICE GIRLS
(o) who is your favorite band/singer in general: underoath

(o) name some of your favorite songs: when the sun sleeps, infested, mike jones songs lol
(o) do you get sick a lot: yah my immune system is immune to getting sick
(o) what is your favorite type of candy: twizlers
(o) how many cavities do you have: 1
(o) have you ever cursed out your mom/dad: no
(o) have you ever cried in public: yeah but under intoxication
(o) have you ever pissed your pants in public: no
(o) when is the last time you pissed your pants at all: im not sure but i think i was drunk lol
(o) what do you think of adult diapers: waat
(o) are you a virgin :  is ur mom a virgin
(o) if yes are you waiting until marriage / no when was the last time you "did it" : last year
(o) do you cry a lot: yes
(o) have you had the chickenpox: yeah
(o) have you had pneumonia:no
(o) have you ever been to a wedding: yeah
(o) if yes, were you a flowergirl/ringbearer/bridesmaid etc.:  FLOWER GIRL LOL
(o) have you ever been to a funeral: yeah
(o) if yes, did you really know the person that died: yeah
(o) do you like parades: no espsically irish ones
(o) have you ever known somebody that died & not cared: no
(o) about how many hours a day do you spend online: 10 lol
(o) do you have a social life: yes
(o) rate your school on a scale of 1-10.: the edjucation like 8 but itsel like 2
(o) do you like ringpops? lovee it
(o) what do you think about people like good charlotte & avril lavigne: haha i love avril <3 GC IS GAY
(o) do you think punk rock is dying/dead: no.
(o) if yes, did it die about twenty years ago: no

(o) do you like nuts? (that is peanuts, sick kids): no
(o) do you change your profile on AIM at least once a day: yea
(o) how many buddies are on your buddylist: 218

(o) do you have a diary: yea
(o) if yes, is it a corny typical 14-year-old diary like on sitcoms: no

(o) do you like writing or dread it: depends
 (o) what do you think about kurt cobain: nothing lol
(o) what about aaliyah: she died
(o) what is your dream car: element haha
(o) do you know a lot about cars: no lol
(o) what is your expertise/obsession: lipgloss
(o) do you think brad pitt is that hot: no
(o) is urban outfitters a sellout: no
(o) coke, pepsi, or neither: coke
(o) do you like mountain dew: no
(o) what are your thoughts on gay marriage: should be legal
(o) what are your thoughts on abortion: its your choice
(o) what are your thoughts on masturbation: waaat lol

(o) have you ever been stalked: yes
(o) have you ever seduced somebody: i dont no wut secuded means
(o) if at first you do not succeed, do you brush yourself off & try again: nooo
(o) do you like peanut m&ms or regular m&ms better: REGULAR
(o) do you know why the hell eminem named himself after a candy: cuz hes sweet
(o) have you ever kissed someone under mistletoe: yeah but it was fake. at lauras aw.
(o) if yes, was it because you really liked them or because there was mistletoe: i liked them          (o) are you superstitious: yea
(o) do you pick up pennies if they are heads up: no
(o) do you write people handwritten letters or emails: letters
(o) do you prefer to recieve handwritten letters or emails: letters
(o) are you a fan of modern art: no
(o) are you a fan of art at all: no
(o) what do you think about andy warhol or pop art in general:
(o) do you actually do your homework: yes
(o) do you copy homework off of other people when you do not do it: yeah
(o) do you like answering long surveys such as this: yeah
(o) do you use prepositions at the ends of sentences even though you are not suppose to: huh
(o) do you want/have a girlfriend/boyfriend: a good boyfriend
(o) if no, why not: well alot of guys suck.
(o) do you like country music: no
(o) what about classical: yea
(o) opera: no
(o) do you love or despise oprah: hate
(o) do you laugh at martha stewart: no
(o) about how many hours of television do you watch a day: only before i go to sleep
(o) do you think television is a drug: to some
(o) is the pen sharper than the knife: no
(o) do you eat the crust of pizza: depends
(o) are you a vegitarian/vegan? i dont eat beef but i eat chicken
(o) do you believe in god: sometimes
(o) what do you think about osama bin laden: yuckkk
(o) what do you think about the FBI & the CIA:
(o) are you left handed, right handed, or ambidextrous: lefy
(o) do you secretly want to be the opposite sex: um...no
(o) do you think girls or boys have it easier: boys
(o) do you think girls or boys work harder:  girls
(o) are you a pessimist: huh
(o) are you a worrywart:yeah
(o) do you scare easily: haha yeah
(o) what is your favorite movie: sweet november.. sweet alabama..

(o) what is your least favorite old saying that you hate: idk

(o) do you have a lot of posters or photos on your bedroom walls: yea

(o) what color are your walls: green
(o) do you have a rug? if yes, what color is it: green
(o) do you think there is really such things as white lies: yeaa
(o) if yes, do you tell them a lot: yeah
(o) do you think honesty is important even when the truth hurts: yeah
(o) are you a dork: chaaa
(o) do you think being a dork is really a bad thing: no
(o) do you have a lucky number & if so what is it: 3
(o) do you think you will end up in a nursing home when you are older: i hope not
(o) if no, is it because you will be in a mental institution instead: haha yea
(o) do you like rap: yes
(o) is old school rap better than new school rap: no
(o) is old school punk better than new school punk: kinda
(o) do you like garage rock: no
(o) do you like rock at all? & if so what is your favorite genre: yea
(o) what is your favorite thing to do on weekends: heheeeee
(o) do you have (a) best friend(s): yeah.. laura and dana
(o) why are they your best friend(s): there mad chill lol.
(o) have you ever been on a roadtrip? if no, would you like to: id love it. im spontanious
(o) how early do you wake up on school days/weekends: 6

(o) do you think all boys are pervs: yeah lol
(o) do you think it is okay to use gay as an insult: no but i always do it
(o) how about faggot: eh
(o) do you think nigger is okay to use for black people: yea i say it all the time

(o) what do you think about plastic surgery: wutevs lol
(o) do you have high or low self esteem: low
(o) do you think therapists actually help people or are just in it for the money: money

(o) do you think vandalism is fun: no
(o) should weed be legal: no
(o) would you move to holland just because of the change in laws: no
(o) is the government controlling our minds through televison & advertising: no
(o) are you patriotic: no
(o) is george bush a good president: no

(o) why is america so much more violent than canada: idk
(o) why is america so damn fat:  fast food
(o) do you like the television show "friends": no
(o) what about "will and grace": no
(o) do you like any television at all? if yes, what is your favorite show: dawsons creek and laguna beach
(o) if yes, do you beat your dick like it owes you money: wat?

(o) remember that song "peaches and cream": yes
(o) do you like N.E.R.D: huh
(o) speaking of nerd, are you one: yea
(o) do you like slick rick: huh
(o) speaking of slick, are you: ugh
(o) do you eat cough drops just because they taste good: yea
(o) have you ever done any narcotics:wat
(o) if yes, was it fun:
(o) have you ever done heroin: no
(o) are you a heroine: huh
(o) have you ever done coke or crack: no
(o) weed? speed? n2o? anything:
(o) do you drink: yeah
(o) if yes, have you ever been so drunk you threw up everywhere: yessss

(o) dream a little dream: nope
(o) come clean:  yeah
(o) room on fire: dont know it
(o) californication: no
(o) under the bridge: no
(o) yankee doodle: no

(o) have you ever secretly wanted a pet elephant: no
(o) do you have a crush: yes
(o) who: hmmmm
(o) if you could make your room any theme at all, what would it be: id have laura do wut ever she wants lol

(o) is graffiti art or vandalism: depends
(o) do you prefer to be alone or surrounded by people: depends
(o) are you shy: not really
(o) do you get paranoid a lot: yea
(o) what is your favorite scent in the world: curve or adidas

(o) what do you think of satan worshipers: wutevs
(o) what do you think of marilyn manson: <3
o) does kelly osbourne have talent: no
(o) would you/have you ever gone to ozzfest: lol no
(o) have you ever eaten a hotdog with chocolate syrup instead of ketchup: i dnt eat hot dogs

(o) would you ever want to be the oposite sex for a day?: maybe
(o) have you ever pet a porcupine: no

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