Sorry people. The pictures didn't work for some reason. But I got them to load onto so go to but check the post cause I tried photbucket and hopefully that worked!
It hurts literally just to move. I have a bruise on my thigh, shin, pinkie, and a think on my back. I hurt alot right now, maybe cause the pain reliever wore off lol.
Ne wayz... I'm not gonna try out for softball this year. When I know what I'm doing, maybe I will next year. But atleast I tried!!! I found out I can bat well. Atleast in my opinion lol.
Today was okay. Took the science test, turned in the bunches of hmwk I did last night. Had some talks with my "adopted brother" and learned sad news. Everyone I know this is hard, just be praying... God has a way of working things out. Just be there for her right now, she needs friend's support.
Destin came up to my locker. I thought he was gonna shut it so I tried to keep the door open but in the process lost grip of my backpack. He held my bookbag for me while I fit all the books in then zipped it up and tried to carry it for me. He's sweet. He knows I have a boyfriend, so now my mind is calm... he is just being a friend.
Its my brother's 13!!!! birthday tomorrow. Wow he's gonna be a teenager! WEIRD lol.