30 days of harry Potter: Day 1-
01. Discuss how you got into Harry Potter
good God, has it already been 10 years? *sighs with Nostalgia*
My memory of how I heard about Harry potter is very fuzzy. since i encountered Harry Potter with the books first, before the movies came out. Every time I think about when I first saw harry potter being mentioned was in a kid's magazine in their "recommended children books" section, a few months after the first/ or second book had already come out. i probably though at the time "sounds like a cool book" but didn't actually seeked it out.
flashforward till summer time of the next year, when my family is spending the summer by the beach.
Not being much a beach person back then I spent it more around the little town by the sea shops, specially bookshops.
this is where I remember Very vividly seeing the first book very visibly above all other books on display in a little pedestal in a street bookstore.
*the book version i found at the time was neither the british nor the American version, but the spanish speaking one; which is my mother tongue:
http://www.galeon.com/harrypottercolombia/filosofa.jpg (which I still have, in it's dusty, overly-read-and-bookmarked-glory* *which i will post a picture later*
I remember very vividly too my 11-year old self thinking "I remember reading about this book! I'll buy it!"
however, my falling in love with the books went a bit slower from there.
I remember curling up in the couch opening the book to read the first chapter, actually no the first three pages, with the mention of the Dursleys and finding them so boring and the Dursleys so annoying and snobby-i'm-better-than-you that i put the book aside deciding not to even keep on reading it because of how boring and annoying the dursleys were.
I think it was, three weeks? half a month?, before I found myself without a good book to read on a rainy day and decided to give sorcerer stone another chance.
it took me about two more weeks to a month to finishing it, but in the end it made me love the trio, Dumbledore, McGonagall and Hagrid; and absolutely hate Snape and Draco malfoy.
from then on I read the book more times that i could count, or remember, till more books began appearing.
Slowly but surely, and specially cemented by the movies, my love for harry potter grew.
not only i began reading the books several times over, bookmarking them and writing down favorite quotes in a little notebook; but it also got me more interested in the fantasy genre, which I had been in contact with before by Reading Lord of the rings.
reading harry potter made me seek out book series like susan cooper "The dark is rising", "The worst witch" book series and tv show and, in the many years to come, nourished my avid book reader habit into full blown bookworm and book lover, and made me a faster reader.
it fueled my love for mythology and folklore and old castles and medieval stories.
after the Sherlock Holmes books Harry potter became the book series that encouraged me to get better at reading in english.
so im ever so glad i found the harry potter books
ps: speaking of being introduced to the harry potter books, there is this new blog that appeared, called "Mark reads hp"
where someone named mark reads the harry potter books for the very first time and records his impression of the books one chapter at the time.
his comentary is endearing, honest and favorable.
so i highly recommend to see it:
http://markreadsharrypotter.buzznet.com/user/ EDIT: here are my very first copies of Sorcerer Stone and Chamber of secrets: