Oct 03, 2009 14:19

October 04, join!!!
ask for the location of the march in your country and join!

-fang teeth are removed with no anesthesia.
-mothers are locked in reduced spaces during gestation.
-amputation of genitals and tail with no anesthesia.
-long and unhuman transportation methods with no food or water.
-overpopulation in small places.
-brutal sacrifice methods.
-masive elimination of animals accoarding to the factory's interests: economic, illness etc.
-babies are killed by hitting them when they are sick or they are more too many and the mother can breast-feed.

-cows are marked with a hot iron and their horns are removed with no anesthesia
-calfs are separated from their mothers so they don't consume milk.
-cows are locked in narrow spaces and their alimentation does not include iron so they don't develop muscles and their meat is tender and softer.
-killing of animals with few days alive (4 months), calf meat.
-infections and abnormal size of ubbers due to forsed milk production.
-ill animals are abandoned to death.
-animal abuse for fun.

-animal overpopulation.
-elimination of male chicks because they don't lay eggs and their not from the species used for meat. Some of them are still alive in the trash
-overcrowding in small spaces
-coveyor belt where the hen's heads are chopped off. Sometimes the guillotine fails at aming
-(blue picture): forsed growth of hens in comparison with a normal one.
-long and unhuman transportation methods with no water or food.
-chick's bicks are cut off so that they don't peck eachother due to the overcrowding.


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