Sep 23, 2004 10:41
figured i'd update. been a while. and i need to go back to the community. i just feel like i've had no time or energy in addition to the fact that i don't yet have an ethernet card so i'm using the library computers, which doesn't quite give me the time or seclusion to sit and read and update for a while. and i need a good hour or two to go through everything, respond, and update.
before my next class, which is at 11:50, I have to call the eating disorder therapist whose running that group. which i will do.
its not going amazingly well. but i'm not thin so it doesn't matter. what a downer, eh?
cd is finished. here. in my bag, in my room, in my parents' apartment. 1,000 solid cd's wrapped in plastic and barcoded. let the games begin...
already i'm stressed about everything i have to do. it seems like an unfeasible amount of work to do. and some of it i'm not motivated to do, but i have to force myself. i'm here for a reason. i can't complain about all the work that i asked to be doing. that's just wrong.