Entry 68 - Yikes!

Mar 16, 2004 11:54

Oh man... Two of our best employees are quitting. ;_; Not only does this leave us hideously short handed (next week is going to be a killer...o_O), but...I'm going to miss them soooo much. ;_; They've been wonderful friends and excellent co-workers. =D My own selfishness aside, I'm very happy for them, knowing they're going to better and more well-deserved places. =) Now...if _I_ could just escape. =P

May as well do the name meme thing too.

SK (Starmie Knight) - You're one of my online omigos! =D
Starmie - You're probably a boardfic character. ^_^
Holy Knight - You're a lost member of the FF_PSX board that's been frozen in time for a few years...o_O
Roph/Ropheka - You must only know me from FFXI. =P
Sir Bri - You're Robby in medieval mode.
Briguy - You're Robby in normal mode, or any member of his family. =)
Bri - You could be one of many of my friends!
Master Bri - You're my former supervisor Mike. X)
Brian - You're probably an acquaintance or friend. Or you're Colby...if it's unnecessarily repeated many times. =P

Hmm...what else? Current FFXI status: Level 30 BLM / 14 THF / 14 WHM / 12 SMN! Next login: Heading to Valkurm to level THF some more OR maybe unlocking BST if Ren and Shade want to. =D Maybe we'll force Pes to come along and take the Kraken for us! X) Have many pics to post too, but I'll have to get them uploaded someday soon. =P

Hmm...what else? I'm forgetting something, I KNOW IT. =O Ah well. Another entry someday. =P Have a blessed day everyone!
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