Title: Wanderlust
Author: Ann Aguirre
Series: Sirantha Jax #2
Pages: 312
Genre: Science Fiction, Romance
Publication Date: August 26, 2008
Rating: C+
Here we are with the second book in the Sirantha Jax series, Wanderlust. It takes place just after the events of Grimspace. Jax accepts a diplomatic mission to the planet Ithiss-Tor on behalf of the Conglomerate. The centers on Jax and the crew's journey just trying to get to Ithiss-Tor; they meet a lot of trouble along the way.
What I really liked about Grimspace is the fast-paced and action-packed story filled with really cool characters. I suppose this stays the same in this installment, however, I didn't enjoy it as much as Grimspace. I really think it came down to Jax. In the first book, Jax is tough, strong and hard to like sometimes, but I always enjoyed her point of view. In Wanderlust , I've never been so bored and annoyed by her thoughts and personality. She's suffering physically because of the effects of grimspace, and that's understandable, but I felt like she really brought the story down. Who wants to read a book about the main protagonist being debilitated and in a really bad mood all the time? I even felt this way about her emotional state. She was just really negative all the time and I felt it was hard to connect to her or to even care about her problems because they seemed to go on and on and on.
This issue was echoed in the story as well. It seemed everything always went wrong. So many small plot points were shoved into the story to, in my opinion, lengthen and try to make the story more interesting but I thought it felt like the author throwing everything in but the kitchen sink. When the crew tries to do anything, leave the planet, visit friends on another one, there's always something going wrong. I think this was distracting and tedious. This, coupled with Jax's personal problems, really made the book hard to enjoy to the extent I did Grimspace.
Well, I did finish the book of course and there are a couple reasons why. One of them is Vel, the bounty hunter than can cover his mantis form with a human one. I really was intrigued by him in the last novel but he only showed up at the end and we didn't get to see him much. In Wanderlust he has a bigger part and I really enjoyed seeing him and Jax interact. I kind of wish there was more of that and less of her and March having problems for the sake of having problems (at least that's what it seemed like). Another reason I enjoyed Wanderlust was Jael, a new character. He's a bred human which gives him some special abilities. I really liked seeing this new friendship for Jax especially after the troubles with March.
As you can tell, I wasn't into the romance. I don't think I ever really liked March. I don't entirely see where the relationship is going or why they are so attached to each other. However, I don't think this defines the story for me so it's not a deal breaker.
Overall, the book has some good aspects but compared to Grimspace, it's a lot weaker. I will definitely read the next in the series, Doubleblind, because I heard good things. Apparently Wanderlust is the weakest of the series, so I am excited to continue. I recommend reading Wanderlust if you're interested in reading the whole series and if Grimspace is any indication, it will be great.
Next review: Hunger by Jackie Morse Kessler
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