What happens when a stressed-out INFP gets a tarot reading?

Jul 30, 2006 15:09

The people I love best are those who give me permission to be irrational.

Livvie came upstairs this morning with French press coffee and a deck of Tarot cards.

Game - Seven Card Spiral
Face - Ace of Swords
Inner - Seven of Swords
Outer - Six of Swords
Past - Eight of Swords
Present - Judgement
Future - The Hermit
Lesson - Three of Pentacles
Wild - Sybil of Wands

Look at all those Swords!  According to Onca, "Swords represent the often-troubled suit of air, symbolizing mind, thought, speech, communication and struggle."  The seven, six and eight of swords represent craftiness, passage and paralysis.  Judgement is Annubis, the jackal-headed god of the underworld.  The Hermit = spirituality.  Three of Pentacles = mastery of craft.  Sybil of wands = strength, loyalty and protectiveness of home, friends and hearth.

Apparently, I'm working out some sort of inner ulterior motive through a crafty, not-entirely-honest approach.  To the outside world I appear to be in a transitonal state of passage from one modus operandi to another.  In the past, I was paralyzed at some communicative level, unable to choose among options or express what I wanted until it was too late (sounds like romance to me!).  In the present I am in a position to judge others, for ill or good.  My future will involve some sort of inward spiritual journey, undertaken totally alone (sounds like death!).  The lesson is to focus on craftsmanship and mastery at work, because I am now in a position to create things that are good, useful and beautiful.  The Sybil-of-Wands wildcard prompts me not to forget my goals at home and among friends while I am off doing all this work.  Thank you, Tarot!

Prompted by a friend at work, I also took the Myers-Briggs personality test (which I view as a form of corporate tarot).  I came up INFP -- a heaping mass of introverted feeling, a helping of extroverted intuition, a half-cup of introverted sensing, a tiny blue dollop of extroverted thinking.  The diagrams look vaguely pancreatic.  According to Myers-Briggs, I am an asshole.  I have deep feelings that I don't share with others.  I appreciate people but never tell them so.  I make value-judgements without articulating the reasons behind them.  I can be helpful in any realm that involves consensus-building and pure communication, but under stress I become pedantic, over-focused on useless details, and harsh.  Hrmph.

The storms are over and it's a beautiful day.  Gonna take my crafty, hermity, judgemental INFP self for a walk.

And lest I fail to express my appreciation for you, friends -- feel free to run your magical thinking past me any time.
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